Sunday, December 19, 2010

Living a Long Healthy Life is No Accident

I have lived more years then I care to think about but thankfully they have all been healthy years. Now this didn’t happen because I have ‘good genes’ (I don’t) or because I got lucky and beat the odds (no such luck), no this happened because I wanted to be healthy so I worked toward that end.
Now you might ask; who doesn’t want to be healthy? Well my friend all you need to do is sit at the mall for 30 minutes on any given Saturday and observe the people walking by and you’ll get your answer. Evidently very few! Obesity is rampant with all it’s related diseases, hospital emergency visits are skyrocketing and disease ridden people flock to the pharmacy in record numbers to stock up on drugs that do nothing to improve their health.
We as a willing society have been duped into health complacency. What I mean by that is individually and collectively we have a herd mentality believing the TV adds and nightly news and the hoards of so called experts telling us what is and isn’t good for our health. We have relinquished our good common sense and the God given healing attributes of the human body. Instead we dutifully get our shots, vaccinations, prescription drugs and bad advice simply because we are told to. Few of us take the time and effort to educate ourselves concerning health issues.
Our health is the singly most important issue facing every human being and yet we act as if it is vogue to be fat and out of shape. We wear our health ineptness with a badge of honor. Paradoxically everyone will tell you if asked ’I want to be healthy’. So with that assumption in place let me explain a common sense approach to maintaining a healthy life for all your life.
First and foremost you must start thinking for yourself. Question the authorities that put demands on you, not irreverently but with inquisitiveness. Get the answers you need to make your own health decisions.
Decisions must always be made on the basis of your health not what anyone else is doing.
Unless your very serious about being healthy for the rest of your life and willing to do what it takes to succeed you most assuredly won’t. Being completely healthy requires living a lifestyle that is conducive to good health. This isn’t some infomercial to living healthy in 4 easy steps for only $29.99+ shipping and handling. This will have to be a lifetime commitment devoted to staying healthy.
When I say healthy I mean free of disease and debilitating conditions not the common cold (although you won’t get many) or the occasional bug that is going around. Although I must say if your immune system is where it should be even the common flu will have a really hard time infecting you. When you do get sick it will be for a very short time with NO after affects.
It has been nearly 40 years since I visited a doctor and that was for a sore throat. (bad idea)
I have had the flu a few times and a occasional headache but beyond that nothing. My wife is the same way with no health issues. Decidedly I started living my healthy lifestyle as a young adult and never swayed from the path. I firmly believe anyone at any age can benefit from a positive lifestyle change.
The objective is clear and concise; Live Long and Live Healthy.
Some of the things I will list here your going to hate and will immediately stop reading, well at least I got you thinking for yourself. For the rest of you please bear in mind I’m no doctor or medical expert just a person who has lived a relative long life and who has walked the walk and talked the talk. Some things are seemingly simplistic, they aren’t.
1.Personal fortitude with a savage attitude that I am worth the effort to succeed.
2.Never ever succumb to age, treat your body the same at 50 as you would at 30 and it will respond if properly conditioned. (side note): I climb trees, do running sprints, jump off high places all the stuff I did as kid, I never stopped so the body responds.
3.Demand the best for your body don’t settle for anything less. Don’t put anything in or on your body that you wouldn’t want your children to do.
4. The food police will tell you what or what not to eat but I will tell you this, if you eat any food in moderation with abundant variety you will be the better for it. Specifically I eat my share of meat, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and plenty of dessert. Everything is in moderation with all the meat not fried but cooked another way and all vegetables and fruits free of pesticides and chemicals. Eat moderate portions at each meal disciplining yourself not to overeat. Remember we eat to sustain our bodies ability to function properly and for most of us we don’t need much food. I think eating has been made into some grand event where we must eat as much as we can at every sitting. Enjoy your meal but remember you eat because it is a necessity .
5. Drink clean water with absolutely no chemical additives and drink a lot of water.
6.Avoid eating a lot of sugar and use salt in moderation.
7.Packaged food contains preservatives and dyes which are un-natural to the human body.
8.Wash (scrub) fruits and vegetables before eating unless they are organic they will be loaded with chemicals.
9. Frying food is a no no because of cancer causing carcinogens.
10. The overall principal I live with concerning what I put in my body is quite simple,
If it has a man made substance in it such as preservatives o r dyes or any of those long scientific names that are impossible to pronounce then I’m pretty sure I don’t want to eat it.
11.Exercise is good but don’t over do it moderation applies here. I have found cross country walking is a lot of fun and a great exercise for the whole body. Also walking my two golden retriever pups keeps me bouncing up and down. The key here is to stay active EVERYDAY remember this is a life style.
If your able to do outdoor physical work like lawn mowing that is a real plus, enjoy the great outdoors and reap the healthful benefits at the same time.
12. Love life and laugh much and often. Surround yourself with loving family and friends.
13. Stress is a killer so it is vitally important to avoid stressful situations. I firmly believe stress is the number one health concern in our society. Stress places a tremendous burden on our immune system to protect us from disease and with a weakened immune system the door is left wide open for all sorts of health problems.
14.Supplement with all natural supplements.
15. Lastly or perhaps firstly, stand firm in your personal faith.
Now what I have said is all relevant to staying healthy all your life however it would be a hollow existence if I weren’t married to my soul mate and totally committed to our marriage. When you can share your life with the person you love life’s burdens melt away and happiness is easy to find.
I urge you to sign up for a health plan that involves no government help or insurance company premium indeed this health plan involves only you and your commitment to a healthy life style. Why not sign up today!

Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Aging is a sad fact of life, particularly when it begins to affect our appearance. Usually in our early to mid-30s, we begin to notice very tiny cracks, particularly around the eyes and the mouth. Over time, these become more and more pronounced, until they become full-fledged wrinkles in our 50s or 60s. It’s not fun, but there’s no way around it, so the best thing to do is accept it with good humor.
However, anti-wrinkle creams can help to give the skin at least temporary relief from the physical effects of aging. While anti-wrinkle products vary in quality, they generally work by restoring the skin’s firmness and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Why Does Skin Age?
Youthful skin looks the way it does because of its abundant, young, and healthy collagen. Unlike other cells in the body that regularly die and replicate, collagen cells stay around and are not replaced for 30 years or so. Thus, when the cells begin to break down and become damaged, they do not get replaced, and this is what leads to wrinkling. In other words, the visually effects of aging on the skin are literally caused by damaged, broken collagen cells.
Collagen breakdown can result from any number of things. The biggest culprit is sun damage, which is why it’s so important to avoid prolonged sun exposure and to use sunscreen even in the winter. Other causes are smoking, prolonged poor hydration, and excess cortisol. All of these things can cause the collagen and other skin cells to lose their youthful luster. When these effects spread over the millions of cells that make up the skin, wrinkles begin to appear.
Types of Anti-Wrinkle Cream
Many of the more popular types of anti-wrinkle cream use retinol, which is a form of vitamin A. Retinol, sometimes referred to as tretinoin, helps to encourage the rate of cell turnover, which can lead to an increase in collagen and other skin cells, leading to a more youthful appearance in the skin. Among all the anti-wrinkle cream ingredients, retinol has been best studied and is believed to have the most long-term effects.
Other types of creams use glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are naturally produced by the body to help the tissues maintain integrity. Basically, it’s a natural lubricant. Topical creams that use GAGs are thought to provide only a temporary solution to existing wrinkles, but they may help prevent future wrinkles from developing.
Many other types of creams operate with a simple strategy: They encourage skin renewal by getting rid of old materials, including dead skin and damaged cells. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are often used for this purpose. Essentially, they help slough away the outermost layer of dead skin, causing your body to naturally accommodate the loss by producing new cells.

How To Age Gracefully

We all want to find the fountain of youth – and many of us, while aging, are constantly on the lookout for ways and methods to age gracefully. In fact, cosmetics companies make thousands of dollars a year selling creams and lotions that promise to make elderly people look younger. Well, you would be pleased to know that all this isn’t required – in this article we shall tell you simple tips on how to age gracefully.
The first thing that you need to know is that with age should come natural beauty. So don’t go for Botox, or age-defying creams, because it’s all about being natural and aging gracefully, and being poised and elegant about the whole thing. Accept that you’re getting older, and you will be surprised by how much easier the process becomes. Firstly, good skin care is important. Wear sunscreen with a high SPF, this prevents sun damage and skin-peeling. Also, moisturize after every bath. Finding the right moisturizer for your skin is important. Stick to a skincare regimen that suits your skin.
Exercise goes hand in hand with ageing gracefully. You can try different kinds like aerobic exercises, Pilates, Yoga, stretching, cardiovascular exercises, etc. In fact, Pilates is recommended for joint flexibility. Diet, too, is important to make you look more graceful with age. Take care of your diet and eat a well-balanced one, this will make sure you get all the proper nutrients and antioxidants. This would give your skin a youthful, fresh look. Go for foods that contain acai incorporate lots of green leafy vegetables into your diet – these will definitely help you along the way to aging gracefully. Don’t consume too much fat and sugar, and also stay off the greasy, fatty foods. Ageing people should have a multi-vitamin or a vitamin supplement with the consultation of the doctor; this will take care of any deficiencies.

Coping Properly With Age

If you are looking for ways and methods to cope properly with age, this article will tell you all that you need to know. Firstly, monthly checkups with the doctor are essential – these help to check up any illnesses and diseases. You should also practice relaxation and meditation regularly. It’s essential to remember that ageing is a part of life – it’s something inevitable and unavoidable. We all have to deal with aching limbs, graying hair, retirement and wrinkles. But there are ways to not get depressed and instead cope properly with age. So hold up your head high, be graceful about it – we tell you how!
The first thing you need to do is accept it. Accept ageing as part of reality, there’s really nothing you can do to prevent it. Yes, you can slow down the process and feel better about it – but apart from that, it’s just part of life. You can cope properly with age by loving life, and leading it well. A proper and healthy lifestyle is a must. Avoid bad habits like alcohol, and smoking. Exercise regularly – swim, walk, jog, do aerobics or cardiovascular exercises, whatever – anything works.
Diet, too, must be taken care of. Eat right, and digest right. Avoid stress and worry – take it easy, and appreciate the little things in life. Also, accept the fact that your body will be changing. For instance, you might not be able to take the stairs at one go anymore. Don’t lose heart and try to force yourself – you’ll only end up in a rather bad physical state. Instead, accept it, and don’t go to extremes. Also don’t lose your temper while you’re ageing – extreme emotions should be stayed away from. Interact with people, be friendly, and have a social life – it’ll make you happier, especially if your children have moved away.

Skin Tips For The Aging Process

When we are born, we come into the world with smooth, fair, and flawless skin. However, as we grow older, our skin changes, and finally when we start aging properly, our skin is nothing like we’d like it to be. But you would be surprised to know that with a little care and dedication, you can fight the age spots and the wrinkles, and keep your skin looking fresh, youthful and young.
Firstly, moisturizing around the eyes properly is a must – this reduces wrinkles and crow’s feet. Face masks can also be used for healthy, beautiful skin. These can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Toner, too, should be incorporated into the daily skincare regimen – this removes the residual dirt and bacteria present in the pores and gives you a vibrant, fresh look. Avoid soap, and go for facial cleanser itself – it does a better job of cleaning. Wearing sunscreen with a high SPF regularly is a must – these not only block the UV rays, but they also protect your skin from age spots, wrinkles and fine lines. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
Try not to stay out in the sun too long. If you must, wear a long sleeved shirt, and a wide-brimmed hat, if you’re going to be in the sunlight. Pick out your skincare products very carefully, know what is going into it, as something might potentially irritate your skin. Some common irritants include lavender paba, oils, menthol, lime, fragrances and botanicals, etc.
Another common skincare tip for the aging process is moisturizing regularly, all over – this helps to keep the skin smooth and supple. You could use alpha-hydroxyl cleanser and lotion on parts of your skin that have age spots – these help to make them fade away.

Tips To Control The Aging Process

We all get older, it’s an inevitable part of life that we cannot control. Cannot control? Yes of course, you cannot expect to go back in time and be younger by 10 years, but there are certain things you can do to look much younger than you actually are. In this article, we shall focus on tips to control the aging process.
The first thing you need to remember is not to smoke. If you smoke, give it up immediately. Smoking and nicotine has many adverse effects on your system, and makes you look older. Giving up smoking will definitely aid in your efforts to look younger. Don’t drink heavily – drink moderately, maybe a glass of wine occasionally. Cut down your alcohol to aid in the process of looking young. Also, it’s important to get lots of rest and avoid stress. These are sure ways to control the aging process. Eight hours of sleep per night is essential.
Diet, too, is important, incorporate fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables into your diet for the best results. Cut down on the red meat, if you can – avoid it altogether, instead, go for chicken and fish, as white meats are much better for your system. Maintain a healthy, constant weight. Take extra vitamins if you must. Avoid heavy, spicy, and greasy food as these tend to play havoc with your digestive system.
Exercise regularly, as there’s nothing quite like exercise to make you look and feel younger. It really controls the aging process like no other thing! Try to exercise for at least 15-20 minutes each day. Even simple walking helps. You can also try swimming or aerobic exercises. Avoid stress, sadness, and if you’re obese, make the efforts to lose weight.
These simple tips to control the aging process will help you go a long way.

Caring For Your Skin While You Age

Caring for your skin while you age is very important. A good skincare regimen is essential for a fresh, youthful appearance, and it can make all the difference in making you look younger, if you want to. This article will give you tips on caring for your skin while you age.
You need to have four main things in your skincare regimen – moisturizer antioxidants, sunscreen, and exfoliation. Moisturizer should penetrate deep in the skin – this would reduce sunspots, wrinkles and fine lines. Depending on your skin type, you would need a different kind and amount of moisturizer than someone else. Antioxidants help to prevent the oxidation process, which leads to skin ageing visible benefits. Sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful UV rays of the skin, and helps to keep your skin looking young; exfoliation removes the dead cells, and renews the fresh layer of skin. Use these four main components in your daily skincare regimen for the best results.
You can use fade creams like Ambi or Esoterica for the skin, at night – these help to restore your skin to a uniform color. Remember to moisturize the area around your eyes properly, as this area is especially prone to wrinkles and crow’s feet. Shower regularly, and when cleaning the face, go for a facial cleanser rather than soap, as this is more effective. If you have wrinkles, use a good anti-wrinkle cream which works for your skin type, try to avoid cosmetic surgery as much as possible. Maintain a good diet as well – avoid the fried and greasy foods, avoid spicy foods, as these play havoc on your skin. Exercise well – it will surely show on your skin. Don’t smoke, avoid caffeine, and get lots of sleep – you will truly get youthful-looking skin!

Encouraging Selfcare in Elderly Family Members

You might have heard about elderly self-care, which is slowly and steadily becoming popular now. You might be wondering about it. Well, basically it is a few strategies and idea which encourage elderly people to take care of themselves, and to be proactive about their own health. Those who follow this idea use self-care as an alternative to nursing homes and professional care facilities that generally take care of elderly people’s needs.
The self-care movement is increasing becoming important because the world over, the medical industry tends to treat patients as customers. Of course all of us, not just the elderly people have a right to be happy and healthy, but sometimes, the medical system does not allow that.
It’s not always necessary to be so cynical about it all. Of course self-care has many practical benefits. For instance, the elderly individuals stay calm and sharp for longer periods of time, and they also get to feel like they are control their lives. Plus, the burden on family members is considerably eased.
How can you encourage self-care for an elderly relative?
1. Be open – Sometimes, people are not patient enough to bring out health issues into the open with elderly relatives, this may be because they want to shield them from the ugly truth, or maybe they think they won’t understand. But this should not be done. Trust us, the elderly people feel more secure if they understand their own conditions and symptoms – and they need to be told about the treatment options available.
2. Don’t think that just because a person is old – he is incapable. Give him a chance to take care of himself. Sometimes when we see our grandmothers or grandfather struggling with something, we automatically lend a hand. But it’s a better idea to ask first, just in case they want to do the thing independently.
3. Don’t rush – be patient and give the relative time to do the task on his own. He should be able to take as much time as possible. If you look like you’re impatient, he might be flustered.
4. Make use of enhancements and equipment – Use step ramps, bathroom railings, and shower seats – these are just a few examples of the many household improvements you can install to make self-care easier and more practical for them.
5. Talk to the care-giving staff – If your relative lives in an old-age home, or gets regular medical care, tell the people that you are attempting to encourage self-care. Surely they will want to do everything for your relative since they’re being paid for it, but they will be supportive and understanding if you talk to them.
6. Address those areas that are problems – If your relative is uncomfortable with cooking or some other task, get to the bottom of it. You need to figure out where the difficulty lies, and then make changes accordingly.
7. Be proactive – Of course it is very important for you and the rest of your family to take a strong involvement in your elderly relative’s self-care. Make sure the lines of communication are open, and make sure your relative is getting proper care, medicine, and nutrition – if all these things are taken care of, then things will surely work out great.

Elements of an Anti-Aging Diet

Everyone wants to find that secret food or ingredient that reverses aging and makes us look younger. Sadly, contrary to the fads and marketing gimmicks, there is no magic food or dietary supplement that can reverse all of the effects of aging. Aging is not caused by any one factor within the body. It happens due to a complex range of issues all acting together to create our aging symptoms. And because aging is so complex, it happens to us all in different ways, so there is no one-size-fits-all anti-aging solution.
In the end, the only way to fight aging is to approach the issue from multiple fronts. Rather than trying to take a magic pill or buying some overhyped piece of exercise machinery, you have to make anti-aging a way of life. Exercise is an important element, and so is diet. Here are some things that every aging person should consider eating every day.
Many of the outward effects of aging result from cell breakdown. Some cell breakdown is a natural result of aging, but a great deal of it comes from wear and tear brought about by environmental factors such as the sun and air pollution. When these contaminants get into your cells, it causes little molecules known as free radicals to develop. Free radicals bounce around inside of the cells, causing damage and shortening cells’ lifespans.
Antioxidants, which are found in a wide variety of foods, help clear these free radicals out of the cells. Some of the best sources of antioxidants include blueberries, cranberries, grapes, dark chocolate, carrots, whole grains, green tea, and red wine.
Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a little like the motor oil of the body. They keep things running smoothly, prevent us from overheating, and essentially extend the lifetime of our cells, organs, and joints. They strengthen cell walls, boost cognitive functioning, and contribute to the smooth functioning of our nervous system cells.
To make fatty acids a part of your diet, consume plenty of fish—especially salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, and sardines—plus chia seeds, flaxseed, soybeans, vegetable oils, and egg whites.
Other important ingredients
Other anti-aging foods you might want to include in your diet are:
• Fruits and vegetables, which provide plenty of fiber and vitamins in addition to antioxidants.
• Whole grains provide plenty of dietary fiber while reducing cholesterol in the blood and providing protein and other nutrients.
• Yogurt helps clear out bacteria and other toxins that gather in the blood stream and digestive tract.
• Legumes offer tons of protein with few calories, and they become super-proteins when combined with whole grains or corn.
• Nuts provide tons of brain-boosting B vitamins, plus plenty of elastin and collagen, which have anti-wrinkle effects.
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