As with many other diseases today, our diet and food choices are a big factor in both our risk for cancer and our best way to prevent it. By now, you should know to limit your intake of red meat, limit your consumption of processed foods, quit drinking alcohol and never eat junk food.
But what’s all the hype about antioxidants and free radicals? “Leave the science to the pro’s”, you say, “I just want to know what I should eat”.
If you look up “antioxidant” on Wikipedia, you get an explanation that looks like a medical student’s thesis paper and almost no simple guidance on what to eat. So, if you’re still wondering what to buy on your next trip to the supermarket, here is a simple list, along with some ideas how to incorporate them into your family meals:
Beans – Kidney, navy, black, pinto, garbanzo, soy and lima beans. Chili, anyone? Also lentils and peas. Chick peas in the form of hummus is a tasty cancer-fighting snack. Roasted soy beans make a handy on-the-go alternative to potato chips.
Berries – Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are rich in cancer-fighting qualities. Sugar-coated berries with a little homemade whipped cream can be a satisfying dessert for even the fussiest eater.
Other Fruits – Kiwifruit, citrus fruits and grapes (red grapes have more cancer-fighting compound than green grapes) are great cancer preventers. You can choose one glass of red wine to be your serving of grapes, but remember that more than one glass is thought to increase your risk for cancer. Serve your kids 100% fruit juices, but watch the sugar content.
Vegetables – Choose only dark lettuce-type foods for your salads. Ditch that zero-nutrient iceberg lettuce (the cheap light green stuff) and opt for spinach, romaine, kale and leaf lettuce. Tomatoes should be a staple in your home as they have known cancer-fighting properties – tomato juice, tomato sauce and tomato paste are just as effective. Also eat lots of broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, bok choy, kale and cabbage – a great excuse to make a Chinese-style stir-fry more often. Avocados, carrots and corn are also good.
Fish – Incorporate Salmon or Tuna into your meal plan at least once a week. Cook tuna burgers for the kids. Barbeque salmon in foil. Try sushi. These types of fish are high in Omega-3, known to fight some cancers.
Oils – Cook with olive oil instead of the cheaper oils. While a bit more expensive, using olive oil is worth the added nutrients and cancer-fighting qualities. Flaxseed is the best-known plant source of Omega-3 fatty acids, the food compound known to prevent some cancers – but it’s taste takes some getting used to and it’s not good to cook with. You take flaxseed as a supplement (also good for dry skin and dandruff). If you eat a lot of margarine, never eat one that contains hydrogenated oil – go for brands like Becel.
Garlic & Spice – Adding freshly-crushed garlic to your cooking can help your family fight cancer. There is also some evidence that curry, an East Indian spice, can fight some cancers. Serving Italian, Greek or Indian food is a great way to spice up your family menu, anyway. (PS: buy some gum).
Nuts – Brazil Nuts are high in selenium, a cancer-fighting compound good for fighting prostate cancer, but avoid if you are allergic to nuts.
Green Tea – Black tea has some cancer-fighting qualities, but green tea has three times more. Green tea also speeds up your metabolism, helping you to shed some unwanted pounds.
Soy Products – Tofu, tofu burgers, soy milk, soybeans and soy nuts are not just for vegetarians any more. Soy has been shown to inhibit growth of breast and prostate cancer cells because soy contains high levels of estrogen. Don’t eat soy if you are on anti-estrogen meds.
Whole Grains – Eat only unprocessed, unbleached grains and bread products. This means brown bread instead of white bread, brown or wild rice instead of white rice and no donuts or croissants. Learn to bake with whole wheat flour. Choose oatmeal, granola, or bran-based cereals. Make your pasta with whole wheat noodles. And, corn flour tortillas and nachos can make a fun Mexican fiesta meal for your family.
Drink Water – Not the bottled stuff, but regular tap water. Recent studies have shown that bottles used in bottled water contain the same toxin as baby bottles. Water nourishes every cell in your body, while flushing out the toxins.
So, the list is big enough that you should not feel limited by your choices. And while some of these foods do a better job fighting localized cancers than others, the best policy is to learn to incorporate most of the above foods into your weekly meal planning as possible. Eating the listed foods will do much more than just prevent cancer – this is the way we were intended to eat and can help battle many other common diseases and conditions.
Advice for Food Preparation
Whenever possible, try to eat veggies and fruits raw (wash well). Try having cut fruits and veggies in your fridge at all times for easy snacking.
The best way to cook vegetables is to steam them, but if you don’t have a steamer under cook them on a stovetop or in your oven, depending on your recipe. Overcooked vegetables have limited cancer-fighting qualities because you have cooked out a lot of the nutritional value. A little crunch is good for you.
Try to serve pasta el dante (just barely cooked), again to keep the nutrients.
And the biggest tip – stop using your microwave to cook! Microwave ovens are a new convenience that is causing more harm than good. They actually change the molecular structure of your food, zapping all nutritional value. Try to limit your microwave use to simple re-heating (lowest power is best). Don’t overheat.
Grocery Shopping Made Easy
Now you know what to buy to help your family lower the risk of developing cancer. Eating healthy is easy and fun for the whole family.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tips to Help Prevent Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer there is, with millions of cases diagnosed throughout the world each year. Since it’s so common and also rarely fatal, we tend to think of it as a minor form of cancer. But, particularly for those of us who live in sunny climates, this is a mistake. Malignant melanoma, while being the least common of the major types of skin cancer, is fatal in a large percentage of cases. And even the less dangerous but more frequent types of skin cancer can cause permanent scarring to the skin. They also require sufferers to spend time and money on treatment, which can be a huge drain financially and emotionally
In light of all this, you’re never too young to start taking action to prevent skin cancer. With all forms of cancer that are at least partially determined by our habits and lifestyles, things that we do in our youths and in our 30s and 40s can have a tremendous effect on our chances of developing cancer later on. And that’s not to mention the fact that there are many types of cancer, including some skin cancers, that are just as likely to develop in young people as they are in middle-aged or elderly people.
So, now is the time to take action. You don’t have to be obsessed. You just have to keep it in the back of your mind, just in case. Here’s what to do:
1. First of all, don’t smoke. This one should be a no-brainer. Not only does smoking double your risk of skin cancer, but it can also cause all kinds of more serious life-threatening cancers. So get rid of those cigarettes. They’re not doing anything good for you.
2. Cut down on your sun exposure. Studies reveal that many cases of skin cancer are directly related to cell DNA damage that is brought on by too much direct exposure to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. It’s a good idea to minimize your exposure to the sun during its peak hours between 11 AM and 4 PM. Also, keep in mind that UV rays are damaging regardless of the season or the temperature. Even in Antarctica, your skin can be damaged by UV rays.
And it can’t hurt to use sunscreen any time you’re going to be out in the sun for more than just a few minutes at a time. Always have sunscreen in your medicine cabinent, and apply it liberally whenever you think you might be out for a while. Sunscreen does no harm. In fact, it’s an underappreciated product that pretty much everyone should use more often.
3. Keep an eye on your skin. People with moles are at a higher risk of skin cancer, as are people who have trouble healing from burns or other types of wounds. Any time you go to see your doctor, it’s a good idea to alert her to any skin problems that you are even slightly worried about. If you have any itchy moles or scabs that never seem to go away, these are early warning signs of potentially more serious problems later on.
In light of all this, you’re never too young to start taking action to prevent skin cancer. With all forms of cancer that are at least partially determined by our habits and lifestyles, things that we do in our youths and in our 30s and 40s can have a tremendous effect on our chances of developing cancer later on. And that’s not to mention the fact that there are many types of cancer, including some skin cancers, that are just as likely to develop in young people as they are in middle-aged or elderly people.
So, now is the time to take action. You don’t have to be obsessed. You just have to keep it in the back of your mind, just in case. Here’s what to do:
1. First of all, don’t smoke. This one should be a no-brainer. Not only does smoking double your risk of skin cancer, but it can also cause all kinds of more serious life-threatening cancers. So get rid of those cigarettes. They’re not doing anything good for you.
2. Cut down on your sun exposure. Studies reveal that many cases of skin cancer are directly related to cell DNA damage that is brought on by too much direct exposure to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. It’s a good idea to minimize your exposure to the sun during its peak hours between 11 AM and 4 PM. Also, keep in mind that UV rays are damaging regardless of the season or the temperature. Even in Antarctica, your skin can be damaged by UV rays.
And it can’t hurt to use sunscreen any time you’re going to be out in the sun for more than just a few minutes at a time. Always have sunscreen in your medicine cabinent, and apply it liberally whenever you think you might be out for a while. Sunscreen does no harm. In fact, it’s an underappreciated product that pretty much everyone should use more often.
3. Keep an eye on your skin. People with moles are at a higher risk of skin cancer, as are people who have trouble healing from burns or other types of wounds. Any time you go to see your doctor, it’s a good idea to alert her to any skin problems that you are even slightly worried about. If you have any itchy moles or scabs that never seem to go away, these are early warning signs of potentially more serious problems later on.
Obesity’s Links to Cancer
In recent years, countless studies have begun to shed light on a connection that many doctors have long suspected existed: that between obesity and cancer. As a matter of fact, a study recently conducted in the U.S. concludes that there are over 100,000 cases of cancer in that country each year that could be prevented if people took measures to reduce body fat. These cases account for around 6% of all cancer cases, and with obesity on the rise virtually everywhere, we’re likely to see these numbers go up in the coming years.
How Does Obesity Lead to Cancer?
In general, the higher one’s BMI (body mass index), the more at risk they are for cancer. Most classification systems say that obese people have a BMI index over 30, while people who are merely overweight have a BMI between 25 and 29.9. Being in these categories creates a higher risk of all sorts of illnesses in addition to cancer, including diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Without getting too technical, obesity leads to cancer, basically, by disrupting the body’s natural chemical balance. Excess fat causes people to produce unhealthy amounts of the types of chemicals, especially certain hormones, that are associated with increased cancer risk. Meanwhile, excess fat also suppresses the production of certain other chemicals that help to fight back against cancer. For example, obese people tend to have lower levels of testosterone, a hormone which is known to have tumor-fighting properties.
Types of Cancer Caused by Obesity
There are two types of cancer that are thought to be frequently associated with increased levels of insulin and estrogen in obese women: breast cancer, and uterine (endometrial) cancer. In the case of uterine cancer, as much as 40 percent of all cases are directly linked to cancer. The ratio is smaller when it comes to breast cancer, but doctors think that the trend is increasing.
In men, overweight and obesity are thought to have a strong connection with colon cancer, a connection which is not found in women. One theory behind this fact is that men and women tend to store fat in different places. While women store it around the thighs, buttocks, and hips, men tend to store it around the abdomen. It’s thought that high levels of fat around the mid-section in obese men creates a type of chemical imbalance that effects the digestive system, particularly the colon.
Finally, in both men and women, esophogeal cancer has a high correlation with obesity. Obese people are twice as likely to develop a form of cancer known as adenocarcinoma, which some doctors think may be related to high levels of gastric reflux among overweight people.
Can Healthy Lifestyle Reverse the Risk?
The result of this new information is that it gives us yet another reason to spread awareness about the health risks associated with obesity. More research is needed into whether or not the risk of cancer associated with obesity can be reduced by losing weight, but doctors say that it can’t hurt. While being obese for a substantial period of time may cause some permanent damage, the less time an individual spends living an unhealthy lifestyle, the better.
How Does Obesity Lead to Cancer?
In general, the higher one’s BMI (body mass index), the more at risk they are for cancer. Most classification systems say that obese people have a BMI index over 30, while people who are merely overweight have a BMI between 25 and 29.9. Being in these categories creates a higher risk of all sorts of illnesses in addition to cancer, including diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Without getting too technical, obesity leads to cancer, basically, by disrupting the body’s natural chemical balance. Excess fat causes people to produce unhealthy amounts of the types of chemicals, especially certain hormones, that are associated with increased cancer risk. Meanwhile, excess fat also suppresses the production of certain other chemicals that help to fight back against cancer. For example, obese people tend to have lower levels of testosterone, a hormone which is known to have tumor-fighting properties.
Types of Cancer Caused by Obesity
There are two types of cancer that are thought to be frequently associated with increased levels of insulin and estrogen in obese women: breast cancer, and uterine (endometrial) cancer. In the case of uterine cancer, as much as 40 percent of all cases are directly linked to cancer. The ratio is smaller when it comes to breast cancer, but doctors think that the trend is increasing.
In men, overweight and obesity are thought to have a strong connection with colon cancer, a connection which is not found in women. One theory behind this fact is that men and women tend to store fat in different places. While women store it around the thighs, buttocks, and hips, men tend to store it around the abdomen. It’s thought that high levels of fat around the mid-section in obese men creates a type of chemical imbalance that effects the digestive system, particularly the colon.
Finally, in both men and women, esophogeal cancer has a high correlation with obesity. Obese people are twice as likely to develop a form of cancer known as adenocarcinoma, which some doctors think may be related to high levels of gastric reflux among overweight people.
Can Healthy Lifestyle Reverse the Risk?
The result of this new information is that it gives us yet another reason to spread awareness about the health risks associated with obesity. More research is needed into whether or not the risk of cancer associated with obesity can be reduced by losing weight, but doctors say that it can’t hurt. While being obese for a substantial period of time may cause some permanent damage, the less time an individual spends living an unhealthy lifestyle, the better.
Being Able to Survive Cancer
Cancer is undoubtedly an extremely difficult disease to cope with mentally and physically. However with advancements in science and medication, cancer is easier to deal with. It is best to go in for all kinds of blood test if your doctor prescribes so because with cancer, the problem needs to be dealt with extremely early on for diagnosis to occur properly. The right kind of diagnosis will take a long period of time. There are different types of cancer and each of them requires excellent diagnosis, aftercare and also medication. Make it a point to consult a doctor you can trust completely because he will help you through this extremely difficult period.
In order to deal with cancer you absolutely need to ensure that you are mentally equipped. All patients require their family members around at all points of time. Try asking for help, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. All hospitals have psychiatrists and counselors who will willingly help you deal with all the trauma of diagnosis and more. There might be different types of therapies involved and you need to be very well geared for it. So make it a point to have people around you who you really love and that will most certainly help.
A lot of people are being diagnosed with cancer everyday and all of them have hope for recovery. So if you find yourself facing this disease then don’t give up because you aren’t the only one. Make sure you have medical insurance which will cover costs and consult the best doctors to make sure that your cancer is dealt with properly. Involve yourself in different types of activities so that you can better deal with this kind of disease. You can most certainly cope with it all as long as you stay strong and hopeful.
In order to deal with cancer you absolutely need to ensure that you are mentally equipped. All patients require their family members around at all points of time. Try asking for help, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. All hospitals have psychiatrists and counselors who will willingly help you deal with all the trauma of diagnosis and more. There might be different types of therapies involved and you need to be very well geared for it. So make it a point to have people around you who you really love and that will most certainly help.
A lot of people are being diagnosed with cancer everyday and all of them have hope for recovery. So if you find yourself facing this disease then don’t give up because you aren’t the only one. Make sure you have medical insurance which will cover costs and consult the best doctors to make sure that your cancer is dealt with properly. Involve yourself in different types of activities so that you can better deal with this kind of disease. You can most certainly cope with it all as long as you stay strong and hopeful.
Can you live through cancer?
If you are reading this then you have already convinced yourself that you probably can survive cancer and that is in fact the truth. No matter what doctors and physicians tell you, or what reports and findings say, cancer can be dealt with and you can live through cancer primarily through mental strength. If you are in the early stages of cancer, then you have a lot of time to strategize and figure out how you are going to deal with everything. Keep in mind that most cancer patients do not have such time and if you are diagnosed early then chances are that you will survive and live through it.
Cancer can be a genetic problem primarily because there are genes in the body which results in this disease called oncogenes. Most often cancerous cells are found in the body which results in spreading the disease all over and if diagnosed early on then these cells can be dealt with medically. Oncology is the field of science which has been constantly doing research work on cancer to get better medication. Newer and better technologies are being found by researchers in this field so all patients now have an increased chance for survival.
Chemotherapy is a common process in which cancer is treated and most patients usually get better with this procedure. There are a lot of side effects to chemotherapy, the most common being weakness, loss of hair, nausea and more. Even if you feel a lot weaker, do not give up on hope because you absolutely need to be mentally prepared for the therapies the doctor will put you through. If you are scared or need help, consult a therapist, which is the primary step towards strengthening your belief. Keep your hopes high, be strong, follow the proper medical procedures and you will emerge a survivor from the disease called cancer.
Cancer can be a genetic problem primarily because there are genes in the body which results in this disease called oncogenes. Most often cancerous cells are found in the body which results in spreading the disease all over and if diagnosed early on then these cells can be dealt with medically. Oncology is the field of science which has been constantly doing research work on cancer to get better medication. Newer and better technologies are being found by researchers in this field so all patients now have an increased chance for survival.
Chemotherapy is a common process in which cancer is treated and most patients usually get better with this procedure. There are a lot of side effects to chemotherapy, the most common being weakness, loss of hair, nausea and more. Even if you feel a lot weaker, do not give up on hope because you absolutely need to be mentally prepared for the therapies the doctor will put you through. If you are scared or need help, consult a therapist, which is the primary step towards strengthening your belief. Keep your hopes high, be strong, follow the proper medical procedures and you will emerge a survivor from the disease called cancer.
Cancer symptoms and Diagnosis
All cancer patients suffer a lot and have to go through complicated procedures and proper treatment to ensure that the disease can be dealt with. However, till just a couple of decades back most patients died from cancer. With excellent developments in technology cancer has become a disease which can be easily treated and that is excellent news for a lot of patients. But do you wish you could look for signs of cancer so that you can deal with it very early on? There are certain symptoms which you can look for which might diagnose any sign of cancer early on.
First of all, women and girls need to be taught the importance of looking for early signs of breast cancer. It is the most potent form of cancer that has been affecting women and girls and it is difficult to know at what age this might start. You can start with being cautious. If you feel a lump near your breasts or underarm than instantly have it checked out. High chances are that it will just be some kind of a boil but in some cases you can prevent any form of infection from spreading if you deal with it very early on in the day.
All women need to go for checkups because cancer can also affect other parts of the body like the cervix. Proper check up and treatment just might help stop that. If you are getting a splitting headache which is blinding and extreme then go in for a checkup for tumors in brain. Of course there have been cases when cancer patients did not have many signs to look for before being afflicted with the disease but you can always stay safe. Stop smoking too much or avoid company of people who smoke to reduce chances of lung cancer.
First of all, women and girls need to be taught the importance of looking for early signs of breast cancer. It is the most potent form of cancer that has been affecting women and girls and it is difficult to know at what age this might start. You can start with being cautious. If you feel a lump near your breasts or underarm than instantly have it checked out. High chances are that it will just be some kind of a boil but in some cases you can prevent any form of infection from spreading if you deal with it very early on in the day.
All women need to go for checkups because cancer can also affect other parts of the body like the cervix. Proper check up and treatment just might help stop that. If you are getting a splitting headache which is blinding and extreme then go in for a checkup for tumors in brain. Of course there have been cases when cancer patients did not have many signs to look for before being afflicted with the disease but you can always stay safe. Stop smoking too much or avoid company of people who smoke to reduce chances of lung cancer.
How can you treat cancer?
Cancer can affect different parts of the body and has become an extremely common disease which has afflicted a lot of people and continue to do so every single year. If you have early signs of cancer then you have the opportunity to get yourself properly diagnosed and treated. Proper treatment and recovery is definitely possible if the disease is caught early on. So if you are feeling too sick or see a lump in your body then get it diagnosed right away. You need to ensure that everything you do is in consultation with your doctor. If you require a cancer specialist then your physician or doctor will recommend you to him in all probability so that you can trust them to do their work.
Make it a point to focus primarily on what kind of treatment you can afford. If you have proper medical insurance then it should be well taken care of in the hospital. But you have to focus on staying positive, talking to doctors, and do some research yourself. In most cases, cancer requires a whole range of treatment procedures, often culmination in chemotherapy or some kind of surgery or operation that becomes imperative.
No matter what kind of treatment you go through, you need to be mentally well prepared to storm everything because you have to be brave. In most instances it is going to be extremely difficult for you to even cope with all the pressure. Consult therapists who will help you through it. If you can fool your mind into being strong then miracles might happen with your body. Of course being strong will not come all too easily but there is never any harm in giving it a try so that you can recover from cancer easily and get better and healthier.
Make it a point to focus primarily on what kind of treatment you can afford. If you have proper medical insurance then it should be well taken care of in the hospital. But you have to focus on staying positive, talking to doctors, and do some research yourself. In most cases, cancer requires a whole range of treatment procedures, often culmination in chemotherapy or some kind of surgery or operation that becomes imperative.
No matter what kind of treatment you go through, you need to be mentally well prepared to storm everything because you have to be brave. In most instances it is going to be extremely difficult for you to even cope with all the pressure. Consult therapists who will help you through it. If you can fool your mind into being strong then miracles might happen with your body. Of course being strong will not come all too easily but there is never any harm in giving it a try so that you can recover from cancer easily and get better and healthier.
How dangerous is cancer?
Needless to say, cancer is a dangerous disease and has been labeled as a very common cause because of which a lot of people die everyday. There has been a lot of speculation on how difficult and dangerous cancer is. And that is true because patients have to go through a lot to survive the disease. But if you are diagnosed with cancer and have given up all hopes on survival then you are probably mistaken. There have been so many miracle stories where people have braved cancer or fought the battle for an incredibly long time because of sheer strength of mind.
You cannot treat cancer by yourself because complicated procedures, therapies and a lot more is involved. You most certainly need to go a physician who will recommend a cancer specialist. There are many institutions all across the world, primarily dedicated to the cause of treating cancer and if your medical insurance is in order then you can try your luck in such institutions which have some of the best doctors, very well equipped to deal with cancer. It is also important for all patients to remember and keep in mind that a lot of expense is required and it is important to keep your hopes high.
If you are a cancer patient you will be going through a lot. You will feel weak, look weak, feel disheartened and have a lot of complicated therapies conducted on you. But do not compromise on who you are and feel hopeful even if you are all worn out because the mind controls the body. If you can cheat your mind into feeling stronger then you might just emerge out of the entire process a winner and this has been a time tested method that has worked on a lot of cancer patients
You cannot treat cancer by yourself because complicated procedures, therapies and a lot more is involved. You most certainly need to go a physician who will recommend a cancer specialist. There are many institutions all across the world, primarily dedicated to the cause of treating cancer and if your medical insurance is in order then you can try your luck in such institutions which have some of the best doctors, very well equipped to deal with cancer. It is also important for all patients to remember and keep in mind that a lot of expense is required and it is important to keep your hopes high.
If you are a cancer patient you will be going through a lot. You will feel weak, look weak, feel disheartened and have a lot of complicated therapies conducted on you. But do not compromise on who you are and feel hopeful even if you are all worn out because the mind controls the body. If you can cheat your mind into feeling stronger then you might just emerge out of the entire process a winner and this has been a time tested method that has worked on a lot of cancer patients
Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma
The protective tissue that covers serous membranes of the lungs, heart, and abdominal organs is called the mesothelium. Depending on its location, the mesothelium may be called as the pleura¬, the membrane surrounding the lungs; pericardium, the sac that protects the heart; and the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal organs. When a person has mesothelioma or the cancer of the mesothelium, the organs mentioned above are most likely affected.
It has been suggested that the pathogenesis of mesothelioma begins when a person inhales asbestos fibers that may lodge deep into the lungs that may penetrate the pleural linings. This deposition of the asbestos fibers is recognized by the immune system that causes the attraction of macrophages (special types of white blood cells) leading to localized inflammation and cellular changes. This will eventually lead to the formation of a malignant tumor that is very difficult to treat.
There are 3 types of mesothelioma, pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal mesothelioma. Basically, it is a similar disease process but the symptoms may vary because of its distinct location. There is also a possibility that various types may occur simultaneously.
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma means that the tumour arises from the pleura or the delicate membrane enclosing the lungs. The pleura can be divided into two layers--the visceral pleura, the layer that covers the lung, and the parietal pleura, which line the chest wall. In between, there is a space that holds a small volume of fluid that serves as a lubricant, making it possible for the two layers to slide efficiently over each other as the lungs expand and contract with each respiration.
Because of lung involvement, pleural mesothelioma manifests as lung problems. The person may experience pleural effusion, or the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the spaces between the two layers of pleural membrane. This may manifest as shortness of breath, non-productive cough, chest wall pain, and difficulty of breathing. Mesothelioma that affects the pleura may also cause fever, fatigue, blood in the sputum, anemia, and subsequent weight loss.
Majority of mesothelioma cases affects the pleura, making up 70% of all mesothelioma.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma that develops in the membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity is termed as peritoneal mesothelioma. Also known as abdominal mesothelioma, this type of cancer may cause severe abdominal pain and swelling due to the build up of intraperitoneal fluid within the peritoneal membrane called, ascites. This may also cause fever and increase in abdominal girth. A person may experience changes in bowel habits such as diarrhea and constipation which will eventually lead to weight loss.
Typically, the manifestations of mesothelioma appear 20 to 50 following exposure to asbestos.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Another type of mesothelial tissue is found on the sac covering the heart for protection and lubrication. This is called the pericardium.
Similar to the abovementioned mesothelial tissues, the pericardium may also become affected with mesothelioma. This type is very deadly as this already involves the major organ of circulation. However, this form of mesothelioma is very uncommon and makes up about 1-5% of the total diagnosed cases.
The development of pericardial mesothelioma is not clearly understood. One theory is that asbestos particles may be transported from the lungs to the bloodstream which may lodge to the linings of the heart and cause chronic inflammation leading to cancerous tumour growth. This may cause rapid expansion of the pericardial sac resulting to the accumulation of fluid called pericardial effusion. A person may experience chest pain, palpitations, irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), and some degree of difficulty of breathing. The cancerous growths may also metastatize (spread) to nearby organs such as the lungs.
The special thing about mesothelioma is that this cancer has a specific cause--asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos, may it be from one’s occupation, environment, and asbestos products, has been considered a major risk factor for the development of mesothelioma.
Occupational Hazards
Working in the asbestos industry has posed a number of health risks for the workers and their families. Several illnesses have already been linked to asbestos inhalation such as lung and throat cancer, gastrointestinal tumors, diffuse pleural thickening, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Family members of workers in asbestos factories also have an increased risk of developing these ailments because of the dust particles that may have settled in the worker’s clothing and hair.
Product Exposure
Asbestos has been widely used around the globe because of its useful properties. It is present in a wide array of materials such as vinyl asbestos tile, drywall jointing compounds, plaster, cement panels, brakes pads, shoes, insulation in floors, ceiling, pipes, ducts, and walls, fireproofing, gaskets and many more products. Through these materials, the public may be put at risk for asbestos exposure. A good example for this is the destruction of the World Trade Center that was thought to release a lot of asbestos particles in the air. But even without such happenings, as long as asbestos exists in home and building materials, people are being killed silently.
Because of the long-term and fatal effects of asbestos and to put to an end the damages caused by asbestos to people, it has been banned by many countries including Australia (2003), France (1997), Italy (1992), Japan (2004), New Zealand (1984), and United Kingdom (2006). Several nations and environmental groups have also imposed policies and controls in asbestos handling and disposal.
It has been suggested that the pathogenesis of mesothelioma begins when a person inhales asbestos fibers that may lodge deep into the lungs that may penetrate the pleural linings. This deposition of the asbestos fibers is recognized by the immune system that causes the attraction of macrophages (special types of white blood cells) leading to localized inflammation and cellular changes. This will eventually lead to the formation of a malignant tumor that is very difficult to treat.
There are 3 types of mesothelioma, pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal mesothelioma. Basically, it is a similar disease process but the symptoms may vary because of its distinct location. There is also a possibility that various types may occur simultaneously.
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma means that the tumour arises from the pleura or the delicate membrane enclosing the lungs. The pleura can be divided into two layers--the visceral pleura, the layer that covers the lung, and the parietal pleura, which line the chest wall. In between, there is a space that holds a small volume of fluid that serves as a lubricant, making it possible for the two layers to slide efficiently over each other as the lungs expand and contract with each respiration.
Because of lung involvement, pleural mesothelioma manifests as lung problems. The person may experience pleural effusion, or the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the spaces between the two layers of pleural membrane. This may manifest as shortness of breath, non-productive cough, chest wall pain, and difficulty of breathing. Mesothelioma that affects the pleura may also cause fever, fatigue, blood in the sputum, anemia, and subsequent weight loss.
Majority of mesothelioma cases affects the pleura, making up 70% of all mesothelioma.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma that develops in the membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity is termed as peritoneal mesothelioma. Also known as abdominal mesothelioma, this type of cancer may cause severe abdominal pain and swelling due to the build up of intraperitoneal fluid within the peritoneal membrane called, ascites. This may also cause fever and increase in abdominal girth. A person may experience changes in bowel habits such as diarrhea and constipation which will eventually lead to weight loss.
Typically, the manifestations of mesothelioma appear 20 to 50 following exposure to asbestos.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Another type of mesothelial tissue is found on the sac covering the heart for protection and lubrication. This is called the pericardium.
Similar to the abovementioned mesothelial tissues, the pericardium may also become affected with mesothelioma. This type is very deadly as this already involves the major organ of circulation. However, this form of mesothelioma is very uncommon and makes up about 1-5% of the total diagnosed cases.
The development of pericardial mesothelioma is not clearly understood. One theory is that asbestos particles may be transported from the lungs to the bloodstream which may lodge to the linings of the heart and cause chronic inflammation leading to cancerous tumour growth. This may cause rapid expansion of the pericardial sac resulting to the accumulation of fluid called pericardial effusion. A person may experience chest pain, palpitations, irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), and some degree of difficulty of breathing. The cancerous growths may also metastatize (spread) to nearby organs such as the lungs.
The special thing about mesothelioma is that this cancer has a specific cause--asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos, may it be from one’s occupation, environment, and asbestos products, has been considered a major risk factor for the development of mesothelioma.
Occupational Hazards
Working in the asbestos industry has posed a number of health risks for the workers and their families. Several illnesses have already been linked to asbestos inhalation such as lung and throat cancer, gastrointestinal tumors, diffuse pleural thickening, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Family members of workers in asbestos factories also have an increased risk of developing these ailments because of the dust particles that may have settled in the worker’s clothing and hair.
Product Exposure
Asbestos has been widely used around the globe because of its useful properties. It is present in a wide array of materials such as vinyl asbestos tile, drywall jointing compounds, plaster, cement panels, brakes pads, shoes, insulation in floors, ceiling, pipes, ducts, and walls, fireproofing, gaskets and many more products. Through these materials, the public may be put at risk for asbestos exposure. A good example for this is the destruction of the World Trade Center that was thought to release a lot of asbestos particles in the air. But even without such happenings, as long as asbestos exists in home and building materials, people are being killed silently.
Because of the long-term and fatal effects of asbestos and to put to an end the damages caused by asbestos to people, it has been banned by many countries including Australia (2003), France (1997), Italy (1992), Japan (2004), New Zealand (1984), and United Kingdom (2006). Several nations and environmental groups have also imposed policies and controls in asbestos handling and disposal.
Important Information about Asbestos and Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare aggressive cancerous disease of the mesothelium, which is a type of protective tissue that surrounds organs found in the thoracic and abdominal cavity such as the lungs, heart, liver, and abdominal organs. Most of the time, cancer does not occur with a single cause; rather it is a group of diseases with multiple causes, symptoms, treatments, and prognosis. But in the unique case of mesothelioma, there is a specific cause for this cancer which is asbestos.
Risk Factors
Several agents or factors are implicated in the development of mesothelioma. However, generally, asbestos is still the leading cause of mesothelioma.
In very rare situations, a Simian vacuolating virus (SV40) may act as a carcinogen and potentiate asbestos in causing malignant mesothelioma. The SV40 is a highly controversial virus due to the contamination of polio vaccines between the year 1955 and 1963. Millions of people in the United States were said to be exposed to the virus.
However, there is no clear evidence yet whether SV40 is responsible for certain mesotheliomas.
Erionite (Zeolite)
Exposure to erionate, a type of zeolite mineral which has similar properties with asbestos, is suggested to be one of the causes of mesothelioma in some villages in Turkey.
Therapeutic radiation using thorium oxide (thorotrast) has been reported to increase the risk of developing pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma in certain people.
Smoking alone is not considered to affect the development of mesothelioma, however, when smoking is combined with asbestos exposure, the risk of having mesothelioma significantly increases.
For several decades, asbestos remains the primary cause of the development of mesothelioma and a number of lung diseases. Inhalation of the particles is the most common route of entry, which is why most cases of mesothelioma occur in people working in the asbestos industry.
A Closer Look on Asbestos
Asbestos is the given name of a certain family of minerals that occur in fibrous form. These fibers can be processed into a variety of materials that are uniquely resistant to fire, heat, and corrosion. Asbestos can be spun and woven into textiles, matted into insulating materials, or used with other substances to make numerous products, including brake linings, clutch pads, and roofing and flooring materials. Because of these, asbestos is almost irreplaceable as no other substance provides its desirable properties.
Nevertheless, manufacturers are developing replacement materials because of the issues surrounding the production of asbestos products. Inhalation of asbestos’ very minute fibers over a period as little as one to two months has been linked to cancers of the lung, lung-cavity lining or mesothelioma, asbestosis, and severe lung impairment.
Types of Asbestos
There are two general varieties of asbestos: serpentine and amphibole.
Chrysotile, obtained from serpentine rocks, is the most abundant and widely used form of asbestos accounting for 90% of asbestos used for production of new materials.
Amphiboles are long, thin fibers that are more potent in causing lung cancer and associated diseases. Amphiboles include amosite (brown asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite. Among these, crocidolite is the more potent carcinogen which is due to its rod-like appearance that enables the fiber to easily penetrate the lungs and into the pleura. They may cause irritation and long-term inflammation of the mesothelium altering cellular structures leading to cancer. Asbestos can also cause the production of free radicals that damage cells that further potentiate cancer growth. It has been suggested that some of the fibers may be coughed up and swallowed into the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, asbestos can cause peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma.
People who are working with asbestos have the highest risk of contracting mesothelioma. But family members of these workers may also incur the disease due to particles that may be carried along with the worker’s clothing and hair. Aside from that, those who are residing in a room with products built from asbestos are likely to inhale the particles without knowing it. Houses and structure built in the late 1800s to mid 1900s are more prone to use such materials because asbestos has been widely used commercially during this period. The latency period of mesothelioma can last between 20 to 50 years following exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma must be diagnosed using the medical history of a person and adiologic studies such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI, and PET scans. But because mesothelioma may mimic several lung conditions, there may be a need for chest tube thoracostomy, pericardiocentesis, or paracentesis depending on the location of the tumour. A biopsy will confirm the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The disease will be staged according to the TNM system: tumor (T), lymph node involvement (N), and metastasis (M).
Unfortunately, most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed when it is already at its late stage. Treatment options vary depending on the staging and extent of metastasis. Surgery in adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy are the best options available. In advanced stages, treatment would be difficult; hence, palliative (supportive) care is rendered to treat the symptoms. However the disease itself is still there.
Despite the many dangers of asbestos usage, many people are still exposed to asbestos especially in countries like India, China, and Russia. The Environmental protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that 3,000 to 12,000 cases of cancer, usually fatal, are caused annually in the United States by asbestos exposure. But controversies continue to surround the issue of asbestos as a health hazard. Thousands of asbestos-related diseases and mortalities have been documented and yet, some countries have not placed any ban on asbestos products.
Risk Factors
Several agents or factors are implicated in the development of mesothelioma. However, generally, asbestos is still the leading cause of mesothelioma.
In very rare situations, a Simian vacuolating virus (SV40) may act as a carcinogen and potentiate asbestos in causing malignant mesothelioma. The SV40 is a highly controversial virus due to the contamination of polio vaccines between the year 1955 and 1963. Millions of people in the United States were said to be exposed to the virus.
However, there is no clear evidence yet whether SV40 is responsible for certain mesotheliomas.
Erionite (Zeolite)
Exposure to erionate, a type of zeolite mineral which has similar properties with asbestos, is suggested to be one of the causes of mesothelioma in some villages in Turkey.
Therapeutic radiation using thorium oxide (thorotrast) has been reported to increase the risk of developing pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma in certain people.
Smoking alone is not considered to affect the development of mesothelioma, however, when smoking is combined with asbestos exposure, the risk of having mesothelioma significantly increases.
For several decades, asbestos remains the primary cause of the development of mesothelioma and a number of lung diseases. Inhalation of the particles is the most common route of entry, which is why most cases of mesothelioma occur in people working in the asbestos industry.
A Closer Look on Asbestos
Asbestos is the given name of a certain family of minerals that occur in fibrous form. These fibers can be processed into a variety of materials that are uniquely resistant to fire, heat, and corrosion. Asbestos can be spun and woven into textiles, matted into insulating materials, or used with other substances to make numerous products, including brake linings, clutch pads, and roofing and flooring materials. Because of these, asbestos is almost irreplaceable as no other substance provides its desirable properties.
Nevertheless, manufacturers are developing replacement materials because of the issues surrounding the production of asbestos products. Inhalation of asbestos’ very minute fibers over a period as little as one to two months has been linked to cancers of the lung, lung-cavity lining or mesothelioma, asbestosis, and severe lung impairment.
Types of Asbestos
There are two general varieties of asbestos: serpentine and amphibole.
Chrysotile, obtained from serpentine rocks, is the most abundant and widely used form of asbestos accounting for 90% of asbestos used for production of new materials.
Amphiboles are long, thin fibers that are more potent in causing lung cancer and associated diseases. Amphiboles include amosite (brown asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite. Among these, crocidolite is the more potent carcinogen which is due to its rod-like appearance that enables the fiber to easily penetrate the lungs and into the pleura. They may cause irritation and long-term inflammation of the mesothelium altering cellular structures leading to cancer. Asbestos can also cause the production of free radicals that damage cells that further potentiate cancer growth. It has been suggested that some of the fibers may be coughed up and swallowed into the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, asbestos can cause peritoneal (abdominal) mesothelioma.
People who are working with asbestos have the highest risk of contracting mesothelioma. But family members of these workers may also incur the disease due to particles that may be carried along with the worker’s clothing and hair. Aside from that, those who are residing in a room with products built from asbestos are likely to inhale the particles without knowing it. Houses and structure built in the late 1800s to mid 1900s are more prone to use such materials because asbestos has been widely used commercially during this period. The latency period of mesothelioma can last between 20 to 50 years following exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma must be diagnosed using the medical history of a person and adiologic studies such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI, and PET scans. But because mesothelioma may mimic several lung conditions, there may be a need for chest tube thoracostomy, pericardiocentesis, or paracentesis depending on the location of the tumour. A biopsy will confirm the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The disease will be staged according to the TNM system: tumor (T), lymph node involvement (N), and metastasis (M).
Unfortunately, most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed when it is already at its late stage. Treatment options vary depending on the staging and extent of metastasis. Surgery in adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy are the best options available. In advanced stages, treatment would be difficult; hence, palliative (supportive) care is rendered to treat the symptoms. However the disease itself is still there.
Despite the many dangers of asbestos usage, many people are still exposed to asbestos especially in countries like India, China, and Russia. The Environmental protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that 3,000 to 12,000 cases of cancer, usually fatal, are caused annually in the United States by asbestos exposure. But controversies continue to surround the issue of asbestos as a health hazard. Thousands of asbestos-related diseases and mortalities have been documented and yet, some countries have not placed any ban on asbestos products.
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