Thursday, January 6, 2011
How to Choose a Cooking School
Cooking schools or culinary schools as they are also called are classic illustrations of the premise that if you want to join a trade, the best and only thing to do is to learn it from those who practice it. Before there were cooking schools, those aspiring to become chefs would work at restaurants and hotels as apprentices, toiling eighteen hours a day, mostly for little or no wages, learning from master chefs. Although this is no longer the standard practice today, many senior chefs do take on apprentices who arrive at their food service facilities as interns.
The Latter-day Scenario
For those interested in becoming a chef at a restaurant, hotel, golf club or a catering facility, cooking schools offer the best alternative to full-blown hospitality degrees from established universities where cooking is one of the focus areas—not the only focus area. As is the case with every category of educational institutions or institutions of higher learning, cooking schools provide students with a dazzling array of choices. Here are three factors to consider when selecting a cooking school for yourself.
Chef’s School in the Right Location
Although most cooking schools are self-contained and provide most if not all the learning facilities one may need to become a professional chef, cooking schools located in or near large cities tend to have a strategic advantage. Proximity to a large city, especially one that boasts a culinary tradition of its own like New Orleans, New York or San Francisco, allows you to build your very own network which can be useful when you enter the job market. Moreover, your cooking school is able to arrange site visits and project trips to area restaurants, hotels and resorts more frequently as the gamut of choices tends to be more widespread.
Cuisine Style and Teaching Philosophy
Cooking is both a science and an art. Many cooking schools will offer you more than one culinary choice in terms of the cooking degree they will offer you. However, there are culinary schools which specialize only in one culinary style and these are traditionally known to be superior. You should take this factor into consideration when narrowing your choices down to the right cooking school for you. If it is French cooking that interests you, look for a culinary school that specializes in French cooking. If you are planning to become an Italian chef, seek a reputable cooking school that specializes in Italian cuisine. Better still, consider pursuing your degree in its country of origin. If you pursued the culinary degree in Italy for instance, you wouldn’t learn just Italian cooking but more specifically Tuscany style cooking, Venetian cuisine or northern Italian cookery.
Conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis of your Proposed Cooking School Degree
Once you have short-listed the cooking schools that interest you, it is time to perform a cost benefit analysis. Divide the total tuition fee by the total number of contact hours you will be spending in a classroom and laboratory or learning kitchen environment to arrive at an approximate per-hour cost of instruction at the school. Although this is by no means the only measure of evaluation, using this figure as a benchmark is an excellent way for you to assess the value proposition.
There are scores of online resources you can use when researching the right culinary school for yourself. The extent of research you could will, to a great extend, determine the kind of culinary training you will receive. Therefore, take the time to explore possibilities using as many online resources as you can find and chances are that you will eventually find yourself in a culinary school that will well surpass your expectations.
The Latter-day Scenario
For those interested in becoming a chef at a restaurant, hotel, golf club or a catering facility, cooking schools offer the best alternative to full-blown hospitality degrees from established universities where cooking is one of the focus areas—not the only focus area. As is the case with every category of educational institutions or institutions of higher learning, cooking schools provide students with a dazzling array of choices. Here are three factors to consider when selecting a cooking school for yourself.
Chef’s School in the Right Location
Although most cooking schools are self-contained and provide most if not all the learning facilities one may need to become a professional chef, cooking schools located in or near large cities tend to have a strategic advantage. Proximity to a large city, especially one that boasts a culinary tradition of its own like New Orleans, New York or San Francisco, allows you to build your very own network which can be useful when you enter the job market. Moreover, your cooking school is able to arrange site visits and project trips to area restaurants, hotels and resorts more frequently as the gamut of choices tends to be more widespread.
Cuisine Style and Teaching Philosophy
Cooking is both a science and an art. Many cooking schools will offer you more than one culinary choice in terms of the cooking degree they will offer you. However, there are culinary schools which specialize only in one culinary style and these are traditionally known to be superior. You should take this factor into consideration when narrowing your choices down to the right cooking school for you. If it is French cooking that interests you, look for a culinary school that specializes in French cooking. If you are planning to become an Italian chef, seek a reputable cooking school that specializes in Italian cuisine. Better still, consider pursuing your degree in its country of origin. If you pursued the culinary degree in Italy for instance, you wouldn’t learn just Italian cooking but more specifically Tuscany style cooking, Venetian cuisine or northern Italian cookery.
Conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis of your Proposed Cooking School Degree
Once you have short-listed the cooking schools that interest you, it is time to perform a cost benefit analysis. Divide the total tuition fee by the total number of contact hours you will be spending in a classroom and laboratory or learning kitchen environment to arrive at an approximate per-hour cost of instruction at the school. Although this is by no means the only measure of evaluation, using this figure as a benchmark is an excellent way for you to assess the value proposition.
There are scores of online resources you can use when researching the right culinary school for yourself. The extent of research you could will, to a great extend, determine the kind of culinary training you will receive. Therefore, take the time to explore possibilities using as many online resources as you can find and chances are that you will eventually find yourself in a culinary school that will well surpass your expectations.
Food and Diet
Important Tips To Know Before You Start Your Diet
Many people ruin their chances at dieting before they really even have a chance to fully immerse themselves in the process. Because there are many people that have such a dislike for dieting, they have the tendency to create mental traps and barriers that will make the entire dieting process harder than it has to be. It has become very evident that before people even begin their diets they are planning to fail by caving into their desires for foods they know will derail their entire weight loss plan.
Despite the fact that so many people begin a diet with plans to change their eating habits in an effort to eat healthier or lose weight, many people self-sabotage their dieting efforts almost immediately. It is very commonplace for people to believe that they have to eat every food they love before beginning a diet since these foods are off limits once the diet begins. This is not true at all. People can eat the foods they love and still maintain a desirable weight by learning how to set limits on the amount of foods they consume.
In order for people to reap the benefits of any diet that they undertake they have to develop a new relationship with food both mentally and emotionally. People think that food is something they need to fight against, but this is not true at all. Even the foods that many consider to be “bad” for you but good to eat should not be avoided. All foods can be enjoyed, but individuals have to accept personal responsibility for the way they choose to consume food. If people choose to consume lots of foods that are high in fat and calories on a regular basis as opposed to eating healthier options this is an issue that needs to be addressed. The food is not the problem; people are the problem when they choose not to take responsibility for the type and the quantity of foods that they consume.
When individuals fail to eat a balanced diet that consists of the necessary servings of fruits, vegetables, meats and grains that are needed on a daily basis the body lacks the vitamins and minerals that are needed for proper functioning. When people feel that they are malnourished this is because they are not receiving the nutrients the body needs to work properly. By consuming a well balanced diet, people will feel satisfied and there is less of a chance that individuals will want to eat foods that are less healthy on a splurge. By having a well balanced diet individuals are more likely to eat other foods in moderation.
Another issue that is very common is the amount of food that people eat. All too often people eat too much of a particular food at one sitting. Our culture is very keen on promoting the fact that bigger is better. People can go in any restaurant and be presented with the option to purchase large portions of food. Learning portion control is one of the most valuable assets for anyone that is trying to lose weight or stay on a diet. Bigger is not always better when it comes to food.
If people were to see dieting as a chance to improve their overall health instead of as a laborious chore that involves self-deprivation more individuals would be successful in maintaining a diet and keeping the weight off. Losing weight should be a positive experience that is geared towards overall health improvement. There will be times when it will be difficult to stick to a diet. However, people should remind themselves of all the health benefits that will occur as a result of their dedication. People should focus on the fact that they are improving their health, losing undesirable weight and gaining more self-confidence with a new figure.
Although dieting is about improving health and reaching a desired weight, people should remember not to deprive themselves of food that they enjoy. Being on a diet does not mean that people have to totally avoid the foods that they like. Dieting individuals have to learn self-control and find a happy medium between eating healthy and enjoying the occasional treat. Overall, obtaining results from a diet involves a combination of eating healthy foods in moderate portions, enjoying the occasional indulgence in moderation and engaging in daily physical exercise.
Adopting a healthier diet in order to lose weight and improve health does not have to be a difficult experience. Dieting individuals can have the occasional treat if they want as long as they do so with moderation. For those people that feel that small indulgences will end their diet, they should just adhere to a strict diet. Those individuals that are capable of maintaining a combination of daily exercise and healthy eating with the occasional treat will find that they are able to have far more success maintaining their diets and losing weight.
Despite the fact that so many people begin a diet with plans to change their eating habits in an effort to eat healthier or lose weight, many people self-sabotage their dieting efforts almost immediately. It is very commonplace for people to believe that they have to eat every food they love before beginning a diet since these foods are off limits once the diet begins. This is not true at all. People can eat the foods they love and still maintain a desirable weight by learning how to set limits on the amount of foods they consume.
In order for people to reap the benefits of any diet that they undertake they have to develop a new relationship with food both mentally and emotionally. People think that food is something they need to fight against, but this is not true at all. Even the foods that many consider to be “bad” for you but good to eat should not be avoided. All foods can be enjoyed, but individuals have to accept personal responsibility for the way they choose to consume food. If people choose to consume lots of foods that are high in fat and calories on a regular basis as opposed to eating healthier options this is an issue that needs to be addressed. The food is not the problem; people are the problem when they choose not to take responsibility for the type and the quantity of foods that they consume.
When individuals fail to eat a balanced diet that consists of the necessary servings of fruits, vegetables, meats and grains that are needed on a daily basis the body lacks the vitamins and minerals that are needed for proper functioning. When people feel that they are malnourished this is because they are not receiving the nutrients the body needs to work properly. By consuming a well balanced diet, people will feel satisfied and there is less of a chance that individuals will want to eat foods that are less healthy on a splurge. By having a well balanced diet individuals are more likely to eat other foods in moderation.
Another issue that is very common is the amount of food that people eat. All too often people eat too much of a particular food at one sitting. Our culture is very keen on promoting the fact that bigger is better. People can go in any restaurant and be presented with the option to purchase large portions of food. Learning portion control is one of the most valuable assets for anyone that is trying to lose weight or stay on a diet. Bigger is not always better when it comes to food.
If people were to see dieting as a chance to improve their overall health instead of as a laborious chore that involves self-deprivation more individuals would be successful in maintaining a diet and keeping the weight off. Losing weight should be a positive experience that is geared towards overall health improvement. There will be times when it will be difficult to stick to a diet. However, people should remind themselves of all the health benefits that will occur as a result of their dedication. People should focus on the fact that they are improving their health, losing undesirable weight and gaining more self-confidence with a new figure.
Although dieting is about improving health and reaching a desired weight, people should remember not to deprive themselves of food that they enjoy. Being on a diet does not mean that people have to totally avoid the foods that they like. Dieting individuals have to learn self-control and find a happy medium between eating healthy and enjoying the occasional treat. Overall, obtaining results from a diet involves a combination of eating healthy foods in moderate portions, enjoying the occasional indulgence in moderation and engaging in daily physical exercise.
Adopting a healthier diet in order to lose weight and improve health does not have to be a difficult experience. Dieting individuals can have the occasional treat if they want as long as they do so with moderation. For those people that feel that small indulgences will end their diet, they should just adhere to a strict diet. Those individuals that are capable of maintaining a combination of daily exercise and healthy eating with the occasional treat will find that they are able to have far more success maintaining their diets and losing weight.
Food and Diet
Living a Healthy Life Through Your Diet
Lifestyle options are personal and if no attention is paid to them can sometimes lead to our own downfall. When it comes to the rationale for dieting we find that they are many and they vary. However, persons get involved because of the focus on their own health and we could say their well being. Sometimes eating habits which need to be changed are not seen as such until there is some critical health problem. It is difficult for a number of persons to just decide on change because of the number of years they have spent in the particular habit. On other occasions the habit is developed because of stress or perhaps an addiction.
While the over-indulgent eating has become a lifestyle for some, the dieting is a lifestyle for others. People literally go on one diet today and tomorrow they are on to another. This shows a certain amount of desperation and the unwillingness to wait and see the results of something started.
The major thing which a number of persons must accept is that dieting in itself is not always good for them. They really need to realize that it is a lifestyle change in daily activities which is going to show positive results. There are a number o ways in which people can get helpful physical exercise without for an additional two or so hour in the day. One could walk a little brisker on any errands he/she has, one could walk the longer way around a block to get to where he/she is going or one could use the stairs instead of elevators. If one prefers to choose a form of exercise which is more fun, then dancing could be considered and this can be organized to suit the persons involved. This can include the persons you want and can be done at the time of day of one’s choice.
It is important to note that dieting by itself cannot reduce weight. The physical activity to burn calories must be included. Walking is good, but some people consider it boring. If however, a walking club is considered one gets encouragement as well as fun and company. One needs to realize that during the hour or so that is spent walking, the fridge and the other snack containers are out of sight and therefore one is not tempted to eat unnecessarily. These new habits, if they are acquired, can bring about great improvement in weight loss.
It is a well known fact that some people are not disciplined enough to give new found physical activities enough time to work and give up way too soon. Sometimes people are indeed making progress, but because it is not as obvious as they would like, they are not satisfied and just stop. Weight loss is not an overnight thing and people interested in loosing weight must be willing to persevere in order to succeed.
It is not advisable to constantly watch the scale as there is hardly any significant change that will take place overnight and this has been the reason for a number of persons giving up. This has led to depression in the past which is no good for anyone.
Dieters please note that it is the changes one makes in the physical activity in one’s life that is likely to bring about the change in the weight loss. It is also important to note that persistence is the key. In other word, choose a physical life style which you are comfortable with ( dancing, walking, tennis, swimming) and watch the desired changes come about for you.
While the over-indulgent eating has become a lifestyle for some, the dieting is a lifestyle for others. People literally go on one diet today and tomorrow they are on to another. This shows a certain amount of desperation and the unwillingness to wait and see the results of something started.
The major thing which a number of persons must accept is that dieting in itself is not always good for them. They really need to realize that it is a lifestyle change in daily activities which is going to show positive results. There are a number o ways in which people can get helpful physical exercise without for an additional two or so hour in the day. One could walk a little brisker on any errands he/she has, one could walk the longer way around a block to get to where he/she is going or one could use the stairs instead of elevators. If one prefers to choose a form of exercise which is more fun, then dancing could be considered and this can be organized to suit the persons involved. This can include the persons you want and can be done at the time of day of one’s choice.
It is important to note that dieting by itself cannot reduce weight. The physical activity to burn calories must be included. Walking is good, but some people consider it boring. If however, a walking club is considered one gets encouragement as well as fun and company. One needs to realize that during the hour or so that is spent walking, the fridge and the other snack containers are out of sight and therefore one is not tempted to eat unnecessarily. These new habits, if they are acquired, can bring about great improvement in weight loss.
It is a well known fact that some people are not disciplined enough to give new found physical activities enough time to work and give up way too soon. Sometimes people are indeed making progress, but because it is not as obvious as they would like, they are not satisfied and just stop. Weight loss is not an overnight thing and people interested in loosing weight must be willing to persevere in order to succeed.
It is not advisable to constantly watch the scale as there is hardly any significant change that will take place overnight and this has been the reason for a number of persons giving up. This has led to depression in the past which is no good for anyone.
Dieters please note that it is the changes one makes in the physical activity in one’s life that is likely to bring about the change in the weight loss. It is also important to note that persistence is the key. In other word, choose a physical life style which you are comfortable with ( dancing, walking, tennis, swimming) and watch the desired changes come about for you.
Food and Diet
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