Saturday, December 25, 2010

23 Tips to plan Diet for Diabetic People

Diabetes is one of the foremost disease from which world population suffers and it being heredity don't help either in lowering the numbers of diabetes sufferers.

So in this article we are giving you 23 tips which will help you in planning proper diet for diabetic patients.
1. Diet is very important for diabetic people. It can aggravate the situation or it can help in controlling diabetes. So as a first tip, follow the advice of your doctor and discuss your diet and what to eat and what not to eat from him.
2. Diet for diabetes varies according to the type of diabetes. In case of type 1 diabetes, the calorie intake should be less. In case of the type 2 diabetes, the calorie intake should be higher. More calories will compensate the weight loss associated with type 2 diabetes.
3. The diet will vary depending on the age, sex, weight, activity level etc.
4. Carbohydrate should be a main source in the diet plan for Diabetic patients.
5. Do not drastically cut on your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are necessary to keep the body healthy. It maintains body weight.
6. Consult a doctor or nutritionist before selecting and eating foods.
7. There are some free foods are also available. These foods can be taken whenever you like them. The calorie content in these foods is very low. In most cases the content is below 5 %.
8. Some of the free foods are Bouillon, carbonated water, Coffee, Soda, Sugar free soft drinks, sugar free gum, sugar free jam, sugar free etc.
9. Spread out the free foods within the day.
10. Eat same amount of food each day this helps in regulating your body metabolism.
11. Eat at a regular time in the day
12. Follow the nutritional guide suggest by your physician.
13. Eat more starch. You can eat bread, starch containing vegetable and cereal.
14. Eat plenty of raw vegetable
15. Eat fruits and vegetable as much as you can.
16. When you eat sugar and sweets in moderation, then it helps in body function.
17. Soluble fibres in fruits, seeds and vegetables are better for the diabetic patient. They are useful. They reduce the glucose absorption from the human intestine. Legumes, bean, carrots etc. are examples of soluble fiber food.
18. Use carbohydrate counting to check on carbohydrate take up. It will help you to indo u how much calorie you have used today.
19. Limit fat. Limit it to 30%. Otherwise you may find heart problem. Small servings of meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products may help the patient in doing better.
20. Do not touch high fatty foods like Atkins diet or such other fatty foods.
21. Make a diet chart and follow it religiously
22. Find out what type of food is suitable and good for you and accordingly plan you breakfast, lunch, and dinner with those foods.
23. Doctors can help you a lot by offering his guidance an expertise for helping find a diet for diabetic people.
I hope this list helps you in formalizing your Diet for Diabetes. You might want to check out Diabetic Cooking Magazine. It's a cooking magazine that contains great recipes and meal ideas for those with diabetes..I would love to see tips and points from people are actually suffering from diabetes, so if you have something to share than please do tell in comments.

What is Diabeties ?

When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes sugars to build up in your blood. Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetesis becoming increasingly more common throughout the world, due to increased obesity (also known as metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes) leading to higher incidences altogether.
Global Diabetes - The scale of the problem
Diabetes is finally being recognized as a global epidemic, with the potential to cause a worldwide healthcare crisis. Where is the diabetes at its worst? Which countries are most seriously affected by diabetes and how is this going to change?
It is estimated that currently diabetes affects some 200 million people worldwide. According to estimates by the International Diabetes Federation, this figure is set to increase to 333 million by the year 2025.
This is over and above the estimates set out in a 1997 WHO (World Health Organization) report. At this time, they forecast that 2000 would see 153.9 million diabetics worldwide, and 2025 would see 299.1 million diabetics worldwide. The disease is growing faster than predicted.
The difficult drawbacks of ‘Diabetes’ is acute in itself with severe complications in which under excessive diabetic influence for a longer period an individual could go under ‘Coma’ situation and sudden death could be triggered thereupon, therefore diabetes and it’s repercussions shouldn’t be taken lightly as in many cases without the help of recognized expertise of team of doctors one is unable to control the `Sugar` as the prime cause of diabetes and keeps avoiding it as it may feel convenient. The types/signs or symptoms/Prevention/treatments are some of the key areas to be focused thereupon and not to be taken lightly in any circumstance.
Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease (doubled risk), chronic renal failure, retinal damage (which can lead to blindness), nerve damage (of several kinds), and micro vascular damage, which may cause impotence and poor healing. Poor healing of wounds, particularly of the feet, can lead to gangrene, which may require amputation.
`Types of `Diabetes`:
`Pre-Diabetes` : `Pre-diabetes` means that the cells in your body are becoming resistant to insulin or your pancreas is not producing as much insulin as required. Your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called `diabetes`. This is also known as "impaired fasting glucose" or "impaired glucose tolerance". A diagnosis of pre-diabetes is a warning sign that diabetes will develop later. The good news: You can prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes by losing weight, making changes in your diet and exercising.
`Type 1` : A person with Type 1 diabetes can't make any insulin. Type 1 most often occurs before age 30, but may strike at any age. Type 1 can be caused by a genetic disorder. The origins of Type 1 are not fully understood, and there are several theories. But all of the possible causes still have the same end result: The pancreas produces very little or no insulin anymore. `Frequent insulin injections` are needed for Type 1. It’s also termed as autoimmune disease of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Scientists believe that it may be a virus that triggers the immune system to attack the cells and permanently destroy them. The pancreas can no longer make the insulin necessary to transport sugar from the blood into the other cells of the body for energy. Sugar builds up in the blood and over time can damage internal organs and blood vessels.
Insulin and Blood Sugar:
Q: `What does it mean if an individual is diagnosed with excessive diabetes`?
Ans: `One` who has Type 1 diabetes must take insulin everyday to survive. It becomes a delicate balance of finding the right amount of insulin necessary to keep the blood sugar level as close to normal as possible. The person with diabetes has to check their blood sugar levels often and then inject themselves with the correct amount of insulin to counteract the amount of sugar. This mimics the action of the pancreas.
Warning Signs for Type 1:
Increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue, weight loss and blurred vision are a few of the most noticeable signs of Type 1 diabetes.
When and What to Eat:
`Eating meals` that are approximately the same size and combination of carbohydrates and fats at the same time everyday helps to keep blood sugar regular and predictable. The best diet is one that is low in fat, low in salt and low in added sugars. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables are preferable over simple carbohydrates like sugary soft drinks and candy.
`Type 2` : Although type 2 diabetes is not always caused by obesity, being overweight is a risk factor for developing the disease.
Risk factors for type 2 `Diabetes`:
• Obesity - (Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater).
• Poor diet - (Failure to eat fruits and vegetables daily).
• Sedentary lifestyle -
• Increased age - 21% of people over 60 have diabetes
• Family history - Diabetes tends to run in families
• Ethnicity -
• History of metabolic syndrome -
• History of gestational diabetes. -
`High Blood Pressure` Normal blood pressure is below 120/80, according to the National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute. A blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 can be considered pre-hypertension and a blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher puts you in the high blood pressure or hypertension range. Lowering your intake of salt, losing weight, and taking blood pressure medication can all help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range? A blood glucose level between 70 mg/dl and 100 mg/dl is considered normal. Fasting blood glucose between 100 and 110 mg/dl is a sign of metabolic syndrome. An elevated fasting blood glucose that is not high enough to be considered diabetes (126mg/dl) is also described as "pre-diabetes." High blood pressure (hypertension) adds to the workload of the heart, arteries and kidneys. High blood pressure can cause severe complications!
"Cholesterol" : A soft, waxy substance found in animal tissues and various foods. It is made by the liver and is important for cell membranes. Too much cholesterol from a fatty diet causes the liver to make more. That can put you at serious risk for many diseases and conditions, such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and even Type II diabetes.
`Gestational Diabetes` : Gestational diabetes is a condition that affects about 4% of all pregnant women. It usually appears midway through the second trimester and disappears after the birth of the baby. It is not permanent.
How do you know if you are at risk for developing gestational diabetes?
• Obesity - with a BMI of 30 or over
• Family history of Type 2 diabetes
• If you are an older mom - age 35 or over
• If you previously delivered larger babies (between 8 lbs. 5 oz and 9 lbs. 14 oz.)
• If you have high blood pressure.
(Note: `Good` Prenatal care is important for all pregnant mothers, but especially important for women who carry the risk factors for gestational diabetes).
Diabetes during pregnancy needs to be properly controlled to ensure the well being of both mom and baby.
Usually, under your healthcare provider's guidance, a healthy, balanced diet, and more exercise can go a long way towards controlling gestational diabetes. Occasionally insulin will also be used to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible. Good control will ensure a happy healthy outcome for all.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabeties

`Early Symptoms of Diabetes`:

1) Diabetes and Dry Eyes(Blurred vision)(sleeping Insomnia);
2) Cardiovascular Diseases;
3) Metabolic Syndrome (Gestational difficulties);
4) Obesity;
5) High Blood Pressure; Cholesterol.

• Women with `Diabetic Contingencies`(Pregnancy);
• Diabetic Diet and meals (adding pounds);
• Severe cases: - `Dark patches on the back of the neck & Dark ring`! ;
• Severe damage of: - Knees, Knuckles, Elbow with acute pain Syndrome;
• Numbness and Tinkling at the extremities;
• Frequent trips to the Loo/Powder room (Bathroom/Toiletries);
• Unquenchable Thirst;
• Weight loss;
• Weakness and Fatigue;
• Dry Skin and Itchy feeling;
• Frequent infections;
• Cuts and Bruises;
• Depression;
• Suicidal thoughts;
• Un-pleasurable feelings to adopt something;
• Inability to remember things;
• Feeling restless or anxious for no apparent reason;
• Feeling hopeless, helpless or worthless;
• Dependence over Anti-Depressant Drugs, etc.
• Nausea and vomiting
• Recurring bladder infections
• Blisters, ingrown toenails, shooting pains (all over the body organs areas).


`Diabetes and Dry Eyes` : Diabetes effect the eye by a ‘Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome’ it’s a medical condition that can result from the eyes’ reduced ability to produce tears through ‘Glands’ because of excessive sugary intake with blurred vision and causing ‘Cataract and Myopia’ symptoms as well.

`Cardiovascular Disease` is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels, and includes coronary heart disease (heart attacks), raised blood pressure (hypertension), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure. The major causes of cardiovascular disease are tobacco use, physical inactivity, and an unhealthy diet of ‘Diabetic accessibility’. Heart attacks and strokes are mainly caused by a blockage, prevents blood from flowing to the heart or the brain. The most common reason for this is build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply the heart or the brain. This makes the blood vessels narrower and less flexible. It is caused by ‘Excessive Diabetes’.

`Metabolic Syndrome` is the syndrome of abdominal deficiencies caused due to diabetic reasons of improper intake of food and it’s working of Glucose breaking apart in a form of fluid inside the pancreas and causing raised ‘Obesity/bulges’ coming out for further implications of being ‘Overweight’, increased level of Cholesterol, etc. The main features of metabolic syndrome include insulin resistance, hypertension and an increased risk for clotting.

`Obesity` means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water. It means that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height.
Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active.
Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.

`Cholesterol` is a soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells. It's used for producing cell membranes and hormones, and serves other needed bodily functions. But too much cholesterol in the blood is a major risk for coronary heart disease (which leads to heart attack) and for stroke. Hypercholesterolemia is the medical term for high levels of blood cholesterol.
`High Blood Pressure` is a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher. High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it usually has no symptoms. Some people may not find out they have it until they have trouble with their heart, brain, or kidneys. `Medication Procedures` are rather influenced every now and then.

How to Prevent Diabetes

`Prevention for Diabetes`:
a) Proper Nutritional intake (Balanced Diet);(Snacks) plan;
b) Avoidance of `Spicy and Oily Food` (Diet);
c) Managing your insulin (controlling sugar sources);
d) Eating small portions instead of "filling up" at meals; Eat at least 5 or 6 small meals;
e) Keeping your body fat percentage down (obesity is a high risk factor); (GYM).
f) Eliminate as many processed carbohydrates as possible;
g) Always eat a high-protein breakfast(peanuts: LESS fattening than the fat-free pretzels);
h) Do not eat white flour, bleached flour, enriched flour, or any other kind of wheat flour that is not whole wheat. The glycemic effects of such flours will work against you.
i) Drink and Quench your Thirst with abundance of Watery Intake (Fruits water) as well.
j) Discourage the intake of `Soft Drinks/Beverages`!
k) Parking of the vehicle far ahead for ‘Walking Purposes”;(Home or Office)
l) Lower consumption of `Over the Counter` Drugs(Medicines);
m) Prevention of `Bacterial Infections`;
n) Early Monitoring of various symptoms with ‘Doctors’ help; (Dietician)
o) Intake of `Low Calorie Sugar lumps (cubes) ` at the time of a Cup of Tea.
p) Understanding of `Complications of Pregnancy` with effect to `Baby`.
q) Prevention for `Sudden confusion or causes of Coma`; Hyperactivity
r) Controlling `Air Hunger`(Gasping of Air symptoms);
s) Physically active for 30 TO 60 (minutes) each day out of hectic schedule.

List of Types of Treatments for Diabetes

Here is a small list of Types of Treatments for Diabetes
 a) Eating and Diabetes: Starches; vegetables; Milk; Meat; Fats & Sweets; Alcoholic drinks; etc.

b) Proper Boiling` of substances and Freezing capacity of every eatable (100oc/-100oc).

c) Time Schedule at each eating intervals.

d) Regular Exercising either in a form of a tranquil morning stroll or Gymnasium;

e) Consumption of a piece of Lemon after every meal if the intake was excessively oily;

f) Avoidance of sleeping directly as soon as having a completion of a meal intake;

g) Dietician’s help to overcome the Phobia of overstated pressure of Blood;

h) Keep check over the age difference of underestimating the heaviness of body structures;

i) 'Frequent Check-ups' at the nearest clinic or Hospital for any related complications;

j) `Make a list of Questions` in advance for any relates queries;

k) `Quit Smoking` immediately in order to get trapped in any unwanted circumstance;

l) `Check your Feet` everyday for any swelling;

m) `Check Blood’s Glucose Level` at every interval; before and after (meal)

n) `Report any changes to Doctor` either in a form of ‘Vision ’ or such kind;

o) `Keep good care` of Heart chances being failed or attacked by the fatty-acids of Blood;

Other treatments of Diabetes:

Acupuncture : Acupuncture is a procedure in which a practitioner inserts needles into designated points on the skin. Some scientists believe that acupuncture triggers the release of the body's natural painkillers. Acupuncture has been shown to offer relief from chronic pain. Acupuncture is sometimes used by people with neuropathy, the painful nerve damage of diabetes.

Biofeedback : Biofeedback is a technique that helps a person become more aware of and learn to deal with the body's response to pain. This alternative therapy emphasizes relaxation and stress-reduction techniques. `Guided imagery` is a relaxation technique that some professionals who use biofeedback do. With guided meditation, a person thinks of peaceful mental images, such as ocean waves. A person may also include the images of controlling or curing a chronic disease, such as `diabetes`. People using this technique believe their condition can be eased with these positive images.

Leg swelling and Diabetes

If one wears a compression hose just as a support hose then acute swelling of the leg can be protected
Leg swelling and Diabetes

Diabetics can develop problems with circulation in the lower legs, and swelling of the lower leg is usually the first sign of it. For starters, she should be wearing compression hose- much like support hose, which will help prevent some of the pooling of blood and reduce the swelling. She should also stay mostly in flat heeled shoes, and try not standing in one spot for long periods of time. If she has a job that requires she stand, she should make a point of bending one leg slightly upwards, and then the other- every so often, at least once or so every half hour.

The other thing is to get off the feet and raise the legs to a horizontal position in front of her. Then you can massage her lower legs, from the toes up towards the knee in long strokes. That will help redistribute the fluid in the leg. Although her legs should be in compression hose, her feet should be in loose fitted shoes- at least wide enough that they don't compress the foot at all. Tie shoes are easiest to adjust as needed, if the foot starts to swell. And she also needs to see her doctor to see if there is anything they need to do to help. Sometimes they will prescribe diuretics to help remove excess fluid But she also needs to have the circulation in the lower legs evaluated to see exactly what is going on.

The body’s sensitivity to insulin increases automatically which also has the potential to cause the diseases related to: Kidney disorders; Obstruction of the veins; cardiovascular diseases of the heart etc. The insulin in the bloodstream damages the delicate nerves and veins endings reaching straight to the end of the feet and blood vessels thickens in size which let your leg to swell as if it is injured. With relatively low blood supply to the delicate veins of the feet it is hard to let the oxygen reach the leg mixed with the bloodstreams and it in turn becomes less effective to heal the infections by fighting the cause therein. The serious complication related to leg and diabetes is when the swelling appeared to have caused more trouble by taking a prolonged period of time to heal itself automatically and a demand of a surgery or operation is recommended.

If a patient is diabetic in nature then he/she must take utmost care of the simple blisters; cuts; sores; bacterial infections; bruises; bumps and toe-nail complications etc. A patient can protect the feet while covering the toe with petroleum jelly or any cold cream. The raised toe-nails should be cut immediately as it prevents other finger tips to swell itself if disproportionate pressure is mounted over the tip of the toe-nail. The pedicure specialists suggests the diabetic patient not to visit the beaches bare-foot as dirt and dust could penetrate inside deep into the leg letting leg to swell.

A crossed leg sitting position is extremely harmful especially for a diabetic patient because the crossed-sitting position cuts the flow of blood to the leg making it to swell even in certain cases tobacco consumption in excess could accede to swelling of the feet due to improper blood and oxygen supply. If a leg is injured a use of hypoallergenic tape can be wrapped in and around the leg to protect it from bacterial infection. An extra precaution is necessary for any forms of frostbites as caused due to hypothermia where a warm water of the temperature 98 degree Celsius to 104 F is the moderate temperature for the feet to heal without rubbing or scrubbing the surface of the leg.

3 Things About Diabetes Care

When it comes to diabetes care there are many different ideas and way for you to do. The three big things about diabetes care is to make sure that you are monitor your sugar levels often, following a healthy diabetic diet plan and exercise. There are many people out there that do not listen to their doctors about what is the best thing to do for their diabetes. That is the worse thing that you can really do.

Some ideas of diabetes care are making sure that you are taking care of you health the right way. You need to make sure that you are eating right and avoiding many of the sweets that are going to be very tempting to you when you have high sugar. Some of they sweet snack that you will want to make sure you are not eating is many of the different candy bars that are out there to temp you to eat the wrong things. When you are one of the ones that has low sugar levels you will need to keeps some of the high sugar sweets on hand that are out there so you are a little repaired when your sugar seems to bottom out and you start to feel real weak and dizzy.

No matter what type of diabetes you have you need to make sure that you are eating right and getting the proper exercise. That is one good way to make sure that you are going to be able to help control your blood sugar levels. Another good thing about eating right and exercising is that you are going to be in better health as well. That will definitely make your doctor a little happier in the long run. This is just a couple of ideas for diabetes care but the best way to take care of you diabetes is to follow what your doctor is telling you and listen to all of his directions so you will not have any complications later in life.

What Causes Diabetes

The diabetes affects the total autoimmune of the body severely with a maximum average of the factors responsible to trouble nearly every second person in the globe and the numbers are expected to rise to millions by the year 2020.

What Causes Diabetes

The result of diabetes is caused due to the demolition of beta cells which are the body-building cells for humans and the natural formation of the cells is destroyed easily due to bodily ill-treated functions. Researchers and scientists are moving pillar-to-post to search the cause of excessive sugar formation in the bloodstream and knocking their noodles to relate the cause with genetic disorders due to change in the DNA of the human body, environmental factors or even mal-nutrition caused due to poor diet chart plan.
The another occasion for the diabetes build-up is because of the abnormal secretion of the hormones inside the bloodstream which acts as the opponent to insulin Adrenaline and Thyroid hormone secretion are in the midst of the wish list of the doctors to foretell the major changes in the patient instantly. The adult-onset diabetes transpires as the body produces adequate insulin as glucose but isn’t utilized effectively.
This category and characteristic of the diabetes emerges especially in the middle ages. The sexagenarians as well as octogenarians become over-weight and such diabetes affects them to 80% in total. According to doctors it is just a myth that only obese get diabetes in their bloodstream but it is the census survey that says that anyone can have diabetes and even it can be caused due to the contraction or availability of a weird virus from the environment found very easily in the food diet especially in the roadside eateries.
As these eateries are unhygienic the bacteria or virus multiply and reaches the bloodstream of the human body and harbor for a prolonged period of time. Drugs such as: Steroids have the propensity with variety of mechanisms to elevate the unwarranted blood sugar and certain supplementary drugs are toxic to the beta cells to affect pancreas and trigger up the symptoms of diabetes. It is the hyperglycemic state of the human body that causes permanent diabetic syndrome in the human body system and affects the immune system of the functions of the body.
Causes of Diabetes in detail segments:
1. Inherited traits: The strong believe of the transformation of one gene to passing to another gene is the generation course for various inherited traits as the stem cells in the mother’s umbilical cord of the womb is transferred to the newly born baby and the baby too gets infected out of the process.
2. Poor diet: Malnutrition too takes its toll due to poor diet chart adoption and causes the diabetes to the patient. The low-protein, low-carb vitamin is missing from the diet and patient becomes susceptible out of it.
3. Age factor: The adolescent age which is unstoppable is more affective then the younger age. The diabetes affects after 50 years of age which takes the shape of permanent diabetes syndrome.
4. Obesity and deskbound lifestyle: Insulin resistance increases with over-weight which is the major cause of obesity where the BMI (Body mass index) enhances to 25+ and sedentary standard of living is disturbed making the person prone to diabetes where he easily fall prey to other forms of diseases as well with diabetes. Poor wound healing, infections, unsecured sex without contraceptives; hypertension, increased fatigue, etc are all responsible for causing diabetes to the bloodstream of the human body.

Exercise For Diabetics

There are two common types of diabetes. These are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is also know as adolescent diablets. It is different from Type 2 because it causes the body to completely stop production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is more common in older adults. It makes the body quit producing enough insulin. It can also make the person’s body become resistant to their own insulin.

Regardless of the form of diabetes, it causes you to lose the ability to effectively use sugar. The sugar levels in the blood with rise because of the body’s problem with carrying sugar in the cells and out of the blood stream. You can lower your blood sugar levels with a good diet, exercise, and the correct medications.

Overall, exercise is extremely important in the management of both types of diabetes. Suffers of Type 1 can use exercise to maintain insulin sensitivity and weight management. It also helps the muscles to use glucose better. Type 1 diabetes is unstoppable, but Type 2 is very possible to avoid.

If you are looking to prevent Type 2 diabetes then you should think about weight control.You can control this with regular exercise. You should also consider supplementation with vitamins and herbs. This will help with weight and insulin resistance.

Exercise also helps with complications of diabetes. It has been proven that walking for a half hour each day can help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Circulatory problems are a huge complication for diabetics. Exercise helps lower blood pressure thus improving blood circulation. Being that sufferers typically have bad blood flow in their lower areas and feet, the better circulation is a great factor to consider.

Yes, there are risks to exercise. The risks of exercising are nothing compared to not exercising. It can lower you blood sugar levels. You can prove this by measuring before and after exercise. You want be careful though. You body will use more sugar during exercise, and you do not want it to go to low and cause hypoglycemia.

You should advise others that you are a diabetic when you exercise. You want someone to know what do if hypoglycemia were to come into play. Carrying candy or fruit juices with you would be a good idea.

Listen to your body during and after your exercise. Fast heart beat, excessive sweating, shaky feeling, or hunger can let you know that your levels are getting low.

Exercise is crucial in diabetic management. It helps control blood sugar, helps muscles use more glucose, and helps with insulin sensitivity. It also can reduce or prevent many common diabetic issues. These are high blood pressure, circulation problems, and heart problems.

Being a diabetic means that exercise should be done daily. You want to take it slow, and never push yourself too far. You also want to be around people you know and that know your situation. Just because you are diabetic does not mean your life is over. It just means you need to exercise and eat healthy. This can keep you heading in the healthy direction.

Diabetes - A costly disease

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome long-term diseases of our time and it is condition that is growing in epidemic population within the entire world. The complications ensuing in the diseases are a substantial reason for morbidity as well as mortality and therefore are associated with failing associated with numerous internal organs such as the eye balls, kidneys and anxiety. Diabetes sufferers will also be at a significantly and the higher chances with regard to coronary artery disease, side-line general illness as well as stroke and they have a larger odds of getting high blood pressure dyslipidemia as well as obesity.

What is Diabetic issues?

Diabetes is really a serious condition of the glands, associated with pancreas to be exact, called Madhumeha within Ayurveda. It is among the the majority of insidious disorders of the metabolism and, if left undiagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and eventually death.

What are the types of Diabetes?

According to Ayurveda Diabetic issues is actually of two sorts: Diabetic issues Mellitus- Blood insulin reliant Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type We) when the physique is not able to create blood insulin and Non Blood insulin Dependent Adult Beginning Diabetes (NIDDM-Type Ii) where the pancreas will produce insulin, but it's actually inadequate for reducing the blood glucose to normal amounts.

What are the typical the signs of Type- one Diabetes? A few of the typical the signs of Type- 1 Diabetic issues are:

Excessive Being thirsty Regular urination Unexplained weight reduction Becoming easily irritated Weak point Exhaustion

What are the typical the signs of Type- 2 Diabetes? Some of the typical symptoms of Type- two Diabetes are:

Reduction off weight Pins and needles in fingers or even ft. Uncontrolled bacterial infections Pain within the braches Inflamation related chest bacterial infections Dimness of eyesight, contrast Extreme thirst Physique weak point

What are the various tests for Diabetic issues?

Urine Check: Some chemicals tend to be additional to a few falls of pee. Color change suggests presence of sugar in urine.

Blood Test: In this, blood is actually used to try the actual glucose degree. This really is more accurate check in order to confirm diabetes

Which parts of my body are suffering from Diabetes?

Arteries: Higher level of glucose harm the blood vessels. As a result of this particular the majority of the diabetic person complications happens to arteries.

Heart: Diabetic issues impacts the heart through: Increasing the amount of fat within bloodstream and increasing the amount of homocysteine in blood.

Kidney: Within diabetes due to increased levels of sugar, kidneys need to do work in order to retain essential ingredients and separate waste material to create pee. This particular impacts the little blood vessels as well as their own capability to filter. After many years of function, this leads to kidney failure.

Eye balls: Diabetic issues affects blood vessels of the eye balls. Damage to these types of arteries leads to eye problems such as: Damage to retina, Cataract or even total loss of vision

Feet: Damage to arteries decreases blood flow to the ft as well as raises risk associated with developing foot ulcers as well as infections.

Anxiety: High glucose degree for a long period damages anxiety. Lack of feeling harm decreases feeling in certain areas of body that can result in: Numbness as well as tingling, Fainting as well as dizziness.

Disabilities and Rehabilitation

Approximately 1 in every 5 Americans has some form of disability, and 1 in 10 has a severe disability. A person is considered to have a disability if he experiences a restriction in the performance of daily activities such as talking, hearing, seeing, walking, climbing stairs, and doing activities of daily living. He or she may need an assistive device for mobility, or may require help from another person to accomplish basic tasks. In certain scenarios, an individual with disabilities may receive federal assistance and special privileges based on an inability to work.
Care for the Handicapped
Disability can happen to people of all ages and may result from an acute incident such as vehicular accident or stroke, or from the advancement of a chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus. A person with disability goes through many losses, including loss of function, impaired social role, income, and independence. And his significant others particularly the family may undergo a range of emotional reactions to these losses especially if the handicapped plays a major family role.
Not all persons who have disabilities experience all the abovementioned emotional stages, although most do exhibit grief. In caring for a person undergoing such emotions, the individual must be encouraged to express his feelings and the listener should display a willingness to listen and talk about the disability. In terms of adaptation, affected individuals may display a different response--he may be independent and determined, or may be dependent. Hence, the level of assistance may also vary, but the main goal in caring for a handicapped person is to help him or her cope with the condition and gain a positive outlook and self-image. This can be done with the help of the family or by participating in a support group.
In rehabilitation, an ill person is assisted to achieve his highest possible functioning and achieve an acceptable quality of life by adjusting with the disability and focus on the abilities he is still capable of. Rehabilitation revolves around the patient, therefore, it is necessary that the patient knows what he will be participating with including the goals of this process. The rehabilitation team must also be skilled in assessment and evaluation. Likewise, they must also be sensitive with the issues the patient is facing for both to go hand in hand during the rehab.

Some Early Symptoms of Depression

There is a wide range of symptoms that must be taken into account when diagnosing depression: sleeping problems, a change in appetite, lack of concentration or energy, irritability, a tendency to avoid usual activities and even suicidal thoughts, depending on the severity of the person’s depression. It is the degree of the depression that actually indicates to the doctor what kind of treatment is appropriate to a certain individual.

There is no precise type of symptoms to be expected from a depressive patient. For instance, when we talk about ‘sleeping problems’ we may envisage either trouble sleeping, lack of good night sleep, or excessive sleeping, when the patient tends to spend too many hours in bed without even getting proper rest. Either case is unnatural and unhealthy. As for the eating disorders triggered by depression, the patient may eat too much, thus gaining weight, or lose his/her appetite completely, which causes a tremendous loss of weight and, consequently, of energy.

Agitation and restlessness in one patient may read as apathy and inactivity in another. Also, the depression victim may start having feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, even of guilt, which in the eyes of the family is completely inappropriate as there is no objective support to the feeling of guilt. Such patients start to hate themselves to such an extent that they sometimes plan to commit suicide and some of them manage to carry out their plan if specialized help does not intervene in due time.

If we pay attention to our behavior and to that of the people around, the ones that we care for, we have a good chance to notice such symptoms when they appear and take the necessary steps towards medical help and recovery.

Why people Get Depression ?

As it often runs in the family, which means it may be inherited from parents and grandparents through one’s genes, depression strikes some people more than others, and the individual life style may contribute to his/her being more or less prone to it.

Why do some of us fall victim to depression while others seem to be living their lives unperturbed?

Actually, in order to explain the causes of depression, we should not insist on the genetic inheritance or the life style that an individual chooses for him/herself. There are a lot of other factors which pave the way to depression.

A child who has been either abused or neglected by a family member, as well as a teenager who has been deeply disappointed by his/her parents getting a divorce, by not passing an exam or by breaking up with his/her sweetheart may fall into a state of depression. The death of a close friend or relative is also likely to lead to depression.

Among the causes of depression in adults we should mention alcohol and drug abuse, high blood pressure medication and sedatives, major illnesses such as cancer or a long period of recovery after an illness. Stress is a notable cause for depression, as well as the sleeping disorders that it brings about.

In addition to the health related problems of the adults, elderly people may fall into depression as a result of social isolation, when they retire or move away from relatives and friends, when their state of health prevents them from leaving their home and socialize, or when a member of their family or close friend has passed away.

Lastly, ineffectiveness in solving certain problems will bring about a lack of self-esteem and overly negative thoughts, followed by sadness, unhappiness and despair.

Manic Depression

What is Manic Depression

A Manic Dipression is a Bipolar disease of the brain which is also known upon as Manic-depressive stage illnesses of the brain. There are noticed certain unusual shifts in the perceptions and sheer mood of the patient suffering from such specific disease with changes in the energy level and inability to function the various organs efficiently for longer span of time.
On a whole Manic Depression is a complete seizure of the brain with unusual after-affects to lead a normal comfortable life. The sheer symptoms of bipolar disease of such nature are extremely severe by nature.
A problematic school functioning by a school goer; damaged relationships and poor work orientation at the job are some of the criteria that are enhanced and have been researched by vaious scientists and researchers overtime. The drastic affect of such disease occurs in te population which isn’t more then 18-years-of-age and globally 2.6 population worldwide is effected by it.
The biggest contingency of Manic Depression is that it’s a long-term illness of the brain which should be carefully managed and focused upon just like heart diseases etc. An immediate distortion occurs in the thoughts with fickle moods that are unexpected and for some precisely dangerous to deal with. There is an incitement of dreadful thoughts connected to it that destroys the basis of thoughts or erodes the desire and needs to have a specific will to live or survive.
The disease is a biological origin of the human body and the disease uniquely confer to the advantages and pleasurable moments but with an unendurable sufferings in last and infrequently relating to suicidal tendencies. When it turns out to be suicidal it takes the shape of a highly-contagious disease of the human body.
A moderate or mild mania level diagnosed by a specific doctor is called upon as ‘Hypomania’. The excessive Hypomania is recognised by the family members as mood swinging of the patient suffering from it and in fact the patient feels at home with the things he comes in contact with like its association with appropriate functioning of the body and enhanced productivity of the muscles and bones. The bipolar disease prevents a patient where he can deny that anything is wrong but it’s true according to the way how he sees the world. This form of Hypomania takes the shape of depression in return.

Signs and Symptoms of Manic Depression

* Psychosis symptoms such as: Hallucinations/ Peronoid Delusions(hearing, seeing unwanted things around, sensing the presence of things, strongly held beliefs of unlogical reasoning, delusion of Grandiosity(being a President or Prime Minister of the state), Guilt, ruining of one’s life, penniless feelings, to commit terrible crime.
* Having a feeling of burden for family members;
* The patient might abuse drugs or alcohol;
* Irritability at extreme levels;
* Talking rapidly and having racing thoughts with jumping from one idea to another;
* Having a little sleep (sleeping insomnia);
* Having a poor judgement;
* Having increased sexual drive;
* Intrusive and Provocative with aggressive behavior;
* Change in appetite

Stress reduction meditation

It is that specific technique of de-stressing the pressures and unwanted stress of the brain that haunts a patient to work efficiently and take the day-to-day decisions from dawn to dusk. A meditation as a stress reducer wipes away the unexpected negative feelings and thoughts from the mind and gives a clean slate to the person with satisfactory results.
Stress Reduction Meditation

One has the liberty to meditate anywhere at any moment any time of the day. In this juncture certain specific employees are learning special classes of meditation at the workplace so as to de-stress the working loads from their brains because every individual at the work place takes pressures to work their brain for many hours at a stretch without a necessary pause to the brain that in turn makes them vulnerable to take all decisions at a time therefore the therapeutic results out of meditation at workplace is increasing becoming popular in various parts of our world. In short the mystical forces and sacred of life can easily be understood.

The meditation works as a tranquilizer of our mind to control and numb the mind for a short span of time as the sensors of the body and soul are charged with the help of deep meditation skills and thus those sensors starts emitting a positive energy from inside the body while washing away the impurities of the human body or wiping out the accumulated sins too. One mustn’t be daunted by meditation or related exercising forms at all.

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A medical illness is also overcome with the help of deep seated meditation tricks in one’s body and the specific conditions are taken care of with it such as in the case of: Excessive anxiety; Arthritis; Chronic pain of the joints and the bones; Allergies; Depressions; Cardiovascular diseases of the heart; High-blood pressure etc. A patient shouldn’t consider meditation as a form of the replacement for a traditional medicinal method but rather act in a form of yet another miracle treatment therapy which is hard to achieve through any form of conventional methods available at over-the-counter.

A new prospective emerges when distracting thoughts are aired away easily by exercising techniques and automatically self-awareness starts seeming in with abundance of patience and having a calm and quiet stationery mind. The lists are then focused to have yet another growing power of making necessary corrections and the person attains bliss for the rest of his life. The different names of understanding the meditations are: Zen meditation; Transcendental meditation; Movement meditation etc. These numbers of available meditations helps in for acquiring inner peace of heart and soul and thus matches easily with one’s busy lifestyle.

The specialized meditation centers and group classes all around the world are moving pillar-to-post to let trained instructors instructing the group for the power and results of meditation and energy transformation and also to teach them to guide the patients to utmost fulfillment guarantee skills. The names of certain guided meditations are as follows: Tai chi; Yoga; Qi gong (Chinese Meditation therapies) and other guided meditations.

The actual normal meditation skills involves: deep breathing; Repetition of scared names or phrases; scanning of the body Charkas; Enlightenment of the soul while engaging oneself into the prayer; Combining meditation with walking skills; Focusing gratitude and love and precisely listening and reading to the reflect benefits received with the help of devotion of the time and bodily skills etc. The ultimate stress management therapy technique in a form of meditation is: Laughing therapy where many available at the same spot can clap their hands and relax there entire body organs by laughing out loud.

Signs of primary pulmonary hypertension

It includes pulmonary capillaries that when taken together is called upon as vasculature of the lung. These in turn leads the human body to provide earlier signs of dizziness, fatigue and unusual fainting while working rigorously, shortness of breath with inhaling and exhaling of air syndrome, etc.
These signs and symptoms can form a worst outlook to any surgeon or physician to operate the patient with least pain and performances stated. The signs are exacerbate due to unnecessary exertion caused by tensions and stress that requires quick de-stress with various available sophisticated equipments and techniques by doctors in a clinic. The human body becomes susceptible to exercising regime under it and tolerance power diminishes slowly and gradually leaving patient to bear a complete heart failure then a heart attack.
The ventricle situated at the right section pumps the blood returning all the way to the delicate veins and arteries and to reach to the lungs to breathe easily with abundance of oxygen. The pressure mounted over is lower in significant to the pressure of the blood circulation system. When such pressure in pulmonary circulation is restricted or an abnormal circulation elevated inside the arteries with reverse order procedure then such consequence leads to pulmonary hypertension or artery hypertension of the human body.
The tiny muscle due to blockage of the blood causing clots in the veins and arteries results in stiffening because that supply to the lungs is completely cut already inside. The acute pressure over one side of the heart causes an enlargement of the right side heart and fluid to build at the pancreas starts building at the liver region and even at other tissues of the immune system. The early sign be easily seen at the legs of the patient.
Peripheral edema i.e. excessive swelling of the limbs are visible in patient that covers the ankles and feet if ill-treated and a rare sign of hemoptysis i.e. coughing up of the blood and blockage at the circulatory stream of the body. If due to hypertension as blood isn’t supplied thoroughly to the organs of the body the patient gradually looses vision especially nocturnal (in the night) vision to clarify the object appropriately and then state its point as to what he is being seeing because the delicate veins, capillaries, arteries get rupture inside preventing patient to surface with visible disease projection that is harmful for an human body type whether male or female.
Genetic disorder is underwent by doctors to ensure if contraction is congenital or not, knowing the family tree disease history. The consumption of intoxicants and drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, hashish, heroin, alcohol, methamphetamine, cirrhosis, smoking that leads to emphysema etc, are noticed with detail outlook by a physician before the treatment therapy be commenced therein. Another major sigh search performed over patient by an expert is through loud P2 (pulmonic closure of the valve with a sound), jugular venous distension, (para) sternal heave, clubbing, pedal of the edema, ascites, hepatojugular reflux and so on.
The tricuspid insufficiency of the disease with evidence is also traced out systematically without committing any catastrophic mistake. All such ways defines the early signs of pulmonary hypertension and explains as to how to deal with a drawback of the syndrome not checked or caught in the preliminary stages of the patient. The light sign of having lethargy shouldn’t be taken easily as it might the symptom of pulmonary hypertension or a mild pain at the heart and angina. Certain patients also had a rapid breathing (hypoxia) due to shortage of oxygen level in the bloodstream.

Effects of Exercise on Depression

Depression is a really difficult state to be in. Sometimes it may be observed simply as a general unhappiness, while other times it may manifest as a perpetual state of despair or a person not wanting to live anymore. A study shows that an estimate of 17 percent of the U.S. population may suffer from depression at one time or another, making it a very prevalent occurrence this generation.
However, the treatment for depression has not been fully developed. For example, there are antidepressant drugs being given to those clinically diagnosed as having depression, or medically known as the manic-depressive condition. But these drugs usually only alleviate the symptoms without really curing the condition; after all, patients who take these medications are usually tied to them for the rest of their lives. Certainly, there are those who do seem to get better, but could it be that there were other factors at work that caused the recovery? Why else would the same drug treatment not have the same effect on every individual that takes it? Is that not supposedly the purpose of medication?
These recent years, more research has pointed to other alternative ways of dealing with depression. The top contender is exercise. Back in 2007, several studies were undertaking researching the effect of exercise on people suffering from depression. One such study took 202 depressed people and gave one group an exercise therapy while the other group was given antidepressant drugs. The scientists were happy to note that both groups performed in similar levels. The evidence seemed to support the hypothesis that exercise indeed does wonders to the body, not just physically but also emotionally.
Indeed, exercise does help a person cope with depression. This is related to the substances that the brain produces when one is in an intense physical activity, among which is endorphins, a hormone which is known as the “happy hormone” as it relieves stress. This is definitely helpful for someone who is depressed. The concentration on the physical movement may also distract the individual from whatever thoughts are plaguing him in his depressed state, albeit temporarily, and also improve his sleep. Most depressed patients do not sleep well, and exercise is known to make the body more relaxed and easier to fall into slumber, and stay asleep in a rested way, too.
In addition to that, since people with depression tend to overeat or not eat, in two extremes, or binge eat and other forms of binge eating, and are under a lot of stress and perpetual anxiety, the usual diseases that come as an offshoot of the condition are diabetes and heart problems. These are at least curbed when the person does regular exercise, ensuring a healthy heart and healthy burning of unwanted calories and sugars.
However, some scientists went one step further and checked whether these beneficial effects of exercise have a long-term effect on treating depression. The same kind of study done in 2007 was extended to check on the patients in about 6 months’ time, all the way until two years later. The results were heartbreaking, because it turned out that exercise only has benefits on people suffering from depression at the time when it is being undertaken. Months down the road, the patients were back to being depressed just like those who are in need of continual intake of antidepressants.
What does this mean for a person suffering from depression and looking for a way out? It would seem that exercise is a good tool for fighting it, but it has to be continued. After all, the release of hormones only happens when there is a stimulant, so it may be a good idea to think of exercise not as a quick-fix but as a lifestyle change. After all, the effects it has, although limited to the actual time it is happening, cannot be denied. Perhaps it is no accident that it has to be continued, or else people would just jump on the treadmill in hopes of getting his depression lifted forever. Besides, having a fixed exercise program will not only curb depression symptoms, it will result in an overall healthy body for the user, giving him strength to seek more ways of getting rid of his depression altogether.

Different Types of Depression

According to credible surveys made around the world, it is estimated that 1 out of 6 persons will suffer from clinical depression during his or her lifetime. In fact, this emotional and mental malady has become so popular that it is common to read about it in ordinary magazines and newspapers. But how will we know when to take the depressed person to a psychologist or psychiatrist for him to have the proper treatment? And what are the different types of depression?

It isn’t that easy to distinguish an ordinary and harmless episode of anxiety and depression to a more serious episode that requires medical attention. Of course each of us undergo the “blues” and lose our energy and will to live from time to time. However, the more severe type of depression deeply overwhelms a person. It may have started out as a dark feeling but has progressed to an illness that affects every aspect of the person’s life. Clinical depression is different from having “the blues” in that it is all consuming and requires treatment. Depressive illness or clinical depression impacts on everything: sleeping, eating, and energy level, ability to work effectively, mood, cognitions (thoughts), judgment, and more. It can be viewed as both a psychological and physical condition.

The kinds of depression discussed in this article are defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), an American Psychiatric Association publication which describes the standard criteria for different types of psychiatric disorders. Here are the more common types of depressive disorders:

Major Depressive Disorder (also known as Major Depression, Clinical Depression) – This episode occurs with symptoms that last for most of the day, nearly every day for at least two weeks. A symptom must either be 1) depressed mood or 2) a noticeable decrease in interest or pleasure in all or most activities. At least four (or more) additional symptoms are present:

- significant weight loss / weight gain or decrease / increase in appetite

- difficulty sleeping or increase in sleeping

- excessive movement or slowing down associated with mental tension (observed by others)

- fatigue or loss of energy

- feeling worthless or excessive guilt

- difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions

- repeatedly thinking about death or suicide, trying to attempt suicide or having a specific plan to commit suicide

Dysthymic Disorder (or also referred to as Dysthymia) – Nearly continuous depressed mood for at least 2 years along with at least two (or more) of these other symptoms:

- decrease or increase in eating

- difficulty sleeping or increase in sleeping

- low energy or fatigue

- low self-esteem

- difficulty concentrating or making decisions

- feeling hopeless

Manic Depression (now known as Bipolar Disorder) – This kind of depression incorporates phases of mania and depression. Cycling between these two conditions can be fast or only mania can be present without any depressive episodes. A manic episode consists of a unrelenting prominent or ill-tempered mood which is mostly extreme, which lasts for one week. These are the other signs of manic depression:

- inflated self-esteem or self-importance

- decreased need for sleep

- more talkative than usual or compelled to keep talking

- experiencing racing thoughts or ideas

- easily distracted

- increase in goal-oriented activity (social, work, school, sexual) or excessive movement

- excessive involvement in potentially risky pleasurable behavior (e.g. over spending, careless sexual activity, unwise business investments)

These different types of depression all need psychological help from psychiatrists. The treatment to be given varies from one depressive disorder to another. In the case of major depression and dysthymic disorder, psychotherapy and medication are both needed by the patient. Psychotherapy should focus on learning how to cope with the disorder, problem solving, challenging negative mindsets and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This is usually very effective especially when the family members and friends are cooperative. Antidepressant medication can often assist to alleviate painful impacts of symptoms like inability to concentrate or sleep, work, control emotions or make decisions that directly affect everyday living conditions.

Manic depression treatment will include medication. As this has a tendency to be a disabling mental illness, proper diagnosis on the part of the doctor is vital. The chronic and manic episodes followed by depressive episodes mostly are recurrent without long term therapy. Lithium and anti-convulsive medications are often used in combination in achieving the desired effect. Getting the patient on the best combination of medication is both science and art and can be challenging for the patient and his loved ones. People with manic depression at times feel overwhelmed by the difficult task of keeping their moods in check over long periods of time. The patient sometimes whines that the “high” feeling has been replaced by a different mood, a more stabilized one which may be interpreted as uninteresting. When this occurs he may stop taking the medication and go back to juggling through his racing emotions and thoughts again. That is why long-term counselling is often crucial in maintaining control over bipolar disorder.

However, the medical community cannot assure that psychotherapy and medication will effectively prevent the person from suffering clinical depression throughout his life. That’s why it is vital to learn self-help and natural remedies to counter depression. If you are a person with spiritual belief, have a closer connection to your religious community. Your faith in the Supreme Being is one of the best keys to overcome depression. Family support is also essential. Unload all negative emotions to your family members, since they are the ones who know you better and take their advice constructively.

Don’t neglect to have a regular bonding time with your peers since their presence allows you to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Having regular exercise releases the “happy hormones” in your body. Never overindulge or relatively lessen your caffeine, sugar and fat intake. A healthy diet promotes better sleep and causes serotonins to balance brain chemicals.

Many relaxing herbs can help relieve your stress and anxiety. Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and rosemary teas are very much recommended. You can also use the essential oils of these herbs and use it as aromatherapy in your homes. These are certified tension busters that promote better sleep, lessen irritability, and help your digestion as well too. It is also of utmost importance to check your vitamin intake, vitamin c and e are vital in assisting neurotransmitters in the brain.

Finally, self-empowerment is much needed to overcome this existing battle. Thinking positive thoughts creates wonders and miracles for the depressive person and for his loved ones as well. Remember that we are the masters of our souls and the captain of our lives. Going to a health professional to have a consultation or diagnosis on depression isn’t to be ashamed of. Rather, we must be proud to take that bold step into self admittance of our shortcomings and not recklessly throwing our lives away with self diagnosis which can be potentially fatal.
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