Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Types of Kidney Cancers and their stages

1. Renal (cancerous cell of the Kidney) or Aden carcinoma (Hyper-nephroma).
It further includes different kinds:
For ex,
a) Clear cell
b) Papillary (Type 1 and 2)
c) Chromo-phobe
d) Oncocytic
e) Collecting duct
2. Transitional (cancerous carcinoma cell of the kidney) or Bladder cancer
3. Wilms Tumor (Childhood Kidney cancer) or ‘nephroblastoma’
1) Renal Kidney Cancerous cell: This cancerous cell implies of the function of the abdomen i.e. responsible for the discharge up of the metabolic waste products or toxic waste (excreta) from the body. The development of cancer occurs due to inappropriate malignancy of the Kidney and its function.
The differentiation and distinctions varies from person to person:
a) Adults
b) Youngsters
In Adults: The Kidney cancerous cells occurring in adults usually occurs in the age of 50+ and strikes men twice the number then as often in women. The renal kidney tissue that filters the impure blood and sends pure blood to other section of the body is affected by the most common type of cancer or tumor. It helps in the formation of the urine as well. Another type of cancer of the renal is the cancer occurrence at the renal pelvis (the area at the centre of the kidney where urine is collected and funneled into the urethra). This sort of cancer is known as ‘Transitional cancerous carcinoma cell of the kidney’. The frequent and simple sign of having such renal cancer of the kidney is to experience ‘The blood in the Urine’.
In Youngsters: Wilms Tumor occurs in young children kidney functioning. It starts in an early stage but is undetected till a child attends the age of average 3 years in total. The urinary tract abnormalities in children happens due to some congenital defects of the hereditary hormones of there father’s and fore-fathers.
The family history of the differentiation of various hormones inside the blood is absolutely responsible for such cause of the disease. The siblings or the off-springs that suffer from the disease disaster lays an unaccepted disease criteria forming certain side-effects to the body such as: The increased iris (part of an eye raised which is colored and responsible to receive the light into an eye) and Hemi hypertrophy (enlargement of one side of the body). These are certain increased incidents that are commonly traced in twins’ birth or other young siblings.
A noticeable cause of the disease in mass production and acute pain and frustration in the abdomen region is quiet common to feel the problem. In minority of children community there is found ‘Blood’ in the urine in the same way as in the case of grown-ups. Sometimes, the kidney tumors can spread outside there desired destination where they are supposed to stay to produce a colony of cancerous cells and then reaches other vital body parts such as: Liver, Bones, Lungs, etc and they might even spread from one kidney to another. These multiple availability of different cancerous cells of each region found in abundance and reacting with each other to form yet another bigger colonies inside the abdomen region is known upon by doctors and physicians as ‘Distant cancerous cell disease’.
2)Transitional carcinoma cancerous Kidney cell: This cancerous cell of the kidney occurs in the kidney; bladder and urethra region of the abdomen. It’s rather focused more over the cancer development of the ‘Bladder system’. It’s formed by transitional epithelium lining i.e. found in these abdominal organs. The word transitional refers to the histological subtype of cancerous cell when seen under a microscopic view. The increased incidences of smoking excessively and drinking more than what the body might demand is the cause responsible for the formation of the transitional cancerous cell of the kidney.
Transitional epithelium is a kind of tissue that consists of multiple layers of epithelial cells (epithelial lines the cavities and surfaces of the structures of the tissues with the formation of glands throughout the human body) which can contract and expand automatically. These cells are found inside the urinary tract of the bladder and are cubical in shape i.e. their width is approximately equal to their height when tube isn’t stretched or squeezed when gallbladder is filled completely. The tissues mainly compressed or stretched and they appear to be flat and irregular (squamous) by nature. The function of the transitional epithelium cell is to accommodate the fluctuation in the volume of the liquid of an organ or a tube and it protects against the caustic effects of the urine (liquid discharge).
3) Wilms Tumor: The Wilms tumor is actually detected due to an abdominal production of mass in larger quantity. The malignancy of the kidney due to inactivation or depletion of tumor suppressor gene known upon as WT1 on chromosome 11 suppresses the tumor and takes the controls of the healthy cell growth in hand. The suppression process by the gene triggers various symptoms in the human body for ex: unnecessary acute abdominal pain; anemia; hay fever; hematuria (blood in the urine) and hypertension of activities involved in day-to-day live of an individual.
There are two such tendencies of Wilms tumor formation in the kidney: Unilateral and Multi-centric i.e. to have the tumor in either (one side of the kidney) or representation of multiple tumors in both the kidney areas of the abdomen. Around 5-10% of young children suffer from bilateral tumors which are absolutely acute in nature. The unilateral formation of tumors is diagnosed under the average age 42-47 (months) for youngsters and around 30-33 (months) for bilateral tumor formation.
Boys and girls can equally be at desired risk of contraction of the disease till 15 years of age or so. Wilms was a German surgeon (1867-1918) who also named Wilma tumor as ‘Nephroblastoma’. In such tumor of the kidney there’s a spillage of tumor cells at the time of surgery treatment therefore, surgeons always take extra precautionary measures to make the operation of the patient turned absolutely focused and successful with no rooms for errors.
Congenital Disease and Disorders:
1) Horseshoe Kidney disease;
2) Polycystic Kidney disease;
3) Renal Dysphasia; Acute renal failure; Chronic renal failure
4) Multi-cystic dysphasic Kidney disease; and
5) Enlarged Kidney disease
• Diabetic Nephropathy;
• GlomeruloNephritis or Glomerular Nephritis (GN);
• HyderoNephrosis (enlargement of kidneys with obstruction in flow of the urine);
• Interstitial Nephritis;
• Kidney stones;
• Lupus Nephritis;
• Minimal Kidney change disease;
• Pyle-o-Nephritis (infectious disease).

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