Friday, December 24, 2010

5 Things to Do to Maintain Your Dental Hygiene

Inadequate dental hygiene can cause numerous problems not only to your mouth but throughout your body. Most people consider regular dental checkups to be something you do when you’re younger.
However, as you age your body tends to breakdown and this also includes your teeth so keeping consistent with your dental hygienist is important at any age. Of course this doesn’t mean you can slack on your regular practice of caring for your teeth. In fact, I’ve read quite often that you should brush and floss daily. Quite honestly, that leads me to believe once a day is enough. Quite frankly, it isn’t. You are required to eat three meals on a daily basis.
Generally, it’s taught that people should brush after meals. Therefore, brushing three times a day would be more appropriate. Flossing is important because most often, brushing doesn’t get all the particles from between your teeth. Food left behind turns into bacteria quickly. This bacterium sets the stage for a majority of problems with your teeth. Flossing will prevent this from happening.
Rinsing also helps in killing bacteria not to mention, makes your breath smell fresh and clean. For those who are generally found within groups, the company you keep will be grateful. Regular routine cleanings by your hygienist are also crucial because no matter how hard you try there is likely to be little microscopic nuisances lying around in your mouth. It is also important for us to understand the effect our nutritional habits has on our teeth.
Poor diet can lead to significant dental problems especially in adolescents because of their tendency to indulge in foods with high sugar content. Soda, is especially damaging. Eating foods which are high in vitamin and mineral content will help your defense against potential dental difficulties. Keeping your dentist informed is also very important. People tend to overlook telling their dentist about clicking, locking, or grinding in relation to their teeth or jaw.
Grinding your teeth can be very damaging and possible cause them to crack or break. The problem is, some people tend to do this in their sleep and don’t realize it. So discussing with your dentist symptoms such as soreness and pain can be significant in diagnosing the problem and getting treatment. Maintaining your dental hygiene does take effort but it’s far more difficult to restrict your smile.

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