Each day in the morning after dropping the same in the bowlful of water the previous night so that the natural ingredients available inside it thoroughly mixes away and reaches straight to the infected internal region of the patient’s body. The garlic consists of an anti-inflammatory factor to protect the joints and bones of the body with other properties to cure the gouty, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the human body joints. Usually home remedies are far more effective to the patient as they all are easily accessible at home with limited means in-hand. The skin of the potato shouldn’t be peeled off and medium-sized slices should be introduced in a large glassful of chilled water.
The glass of water then is drunk with an empty stomach only otherwise its natural properties will be wasted in lurch. Carrots, celery and green leafy vegetable juice subsides the arthritis acute pain and joints becomes flexible to move freely where previously they remain stiff and unmoved with increase in sugar molecules in the bloodstream causing signs of diabetes to the patient’ body. A warm glass of water mixed with a pint of honey and a dash of lemon juice thoroughly peeled and meshed in it is effective due to the citrus acid present in the lemon to make muscles strong which in turn makes the joints and bones strong enough to withstand the unhygienic factors of the atmosphere. Natural herbalists’ therapy suggests the cupful of tea made up of ginger everyday early in the morning for relief of the joint pains. A special tea too is drink along by certain known people of the world who suffer from arthritis problems who knows about and even informed to take a cupful of papaya seed for relaxation to the joints and providing flexibility to the muscles and bones.
Castor oil extracted straight away from the stems and roots of the trunk of the tree is extremely beneficial which a patient can drink before going for sleep as the oil doesn’t only provide any sleep apnea or frequent urination but if taken at a stretch for a prolonged period helps the sufferer from the flexibility at the muscle region and no inflammation is caused due to it. Regular exercising and yoga attempts to the patient’s body is mandatory performed early in the morning wee hours to prevent the patient to jump, run, skip with a skipping rope, do ‘asans’ over the soft mattresses etc. The food as recommended by herbalists for natural treatment for arthritis shouldn’t involve hydro generated oils in particular because they have the tendency to inflammation as whenever they want to do so. Junk foods should also be neglected by the arthritis patients because they tend to overheat the body organs and causes tendon to the muscles of the body.
The fat is easily deposited at the joints and bones of the delicate muscles and if they do not move comfortably they ache. Guggulu, saunth, shallaki, mukundh, guduchi are effective herbs and shrubs as a natural cure and care for inflammation of the joints due to arthritis. At least 5 grams of ashwagandha powder along with Luke warm water as a natural substance works wonders for the joints and bones. Shilajit is easily accessible at the herbalist shop in the domestic market and is very tasty too which consists of the properties to stop the excessive inflammation of the joints and make them flexible by nature. Anemia, constipation, colitis, stiffness in the bones and joints causing arthritis symptoms of inappropriate postural habits, irregular diet chart regime, less use of joints at the workplace and hereditary factors all combine to constitute the cause of arthritis in the human body.
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