Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dealing with Varicose Veins

For a woman, her gorgeous gams are her treasure. Hence, it would be such a tragedy to spot imperfections on the legs such as varicose veins. Not only they are unsightly, the swelling and pain could also be very irritating. The good news is that bulging veins can be prevented, not to mention that there are also plenty of ways to manage them.
Varicose veins are superficial veins that have become enlarged and swollen. Most of the time, they occur in veins at the calves or the inner portion of the legs. Although varicose veins are not very serious, they may result to complications such as bleeding, thrombophlebitis (a painful inflammation of the veins), leg ulcers, skin discoloration, and even eczema. They can be very painful during the day particularly when a person stands for long periods.
The circulatory system is a complex network of blood vessels that distributes blood throughout the body via the pumping action of the heart. Arteries, or blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, have the highest pressure to be able to deliver blood on distant areas. But as blood travels back to the heart through the veins, the pressure becomes faint making it a hard time for blood to flow smoothly. To add to that, blood flow must also act against gravity, especially in the lower extremities. This is why veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. When any one of these vein valves becomes defective, they are unable to keep the blood from flowing back causing the blood to pool and distend the veins. Over time, other valves become affected due to the increased pressure brought about by the pooling of blood, and veins enlarge more.
When veins become distended, they look bluish and can be prominent. They will appear twisted and swollen. Pain and tenderness can be felt on the affected area especially when standing or even sitting for long periods. Varicose veins are also itchy which increases the tendency of developing skin ulcers due to scratching.
Varicosities are more common in women than in men, and the tendency to develop one can run in families. The condition is also highly associated with prolonged sitting or standing position. Obesity, pregnancy, and lifting heavy weights can also predispose a person to varicose veins. If you think you are likely prone to acquire such, here are some tips to follow to prevent or delay the development of varicose veins.
Take periodic rest with legs raised
When you’re upright, you’re giving the blood in the legs a hard time of flowing back to the heart due to gravity. As a result, there is a greater tendency of blood pooling in the legs leading to varicose veins.
There is also no excuse for sitting. Sitting for long periods is just similar with standing. It increases pressure because of the bent knees and hips. The only way to relieve the pressure on the lower legs is by sitting down and raising the legs. Elevating them above the heart is even better to facilitate drainage. You can also try to sleep with the feet elevated.
Get moving
Move your legs frequently if you have to stand or sit for long periods. Frequent movement such as flexing the foot or rotating it clockwise and the other way around will help keep blood from pooling in the legs.
Do regular exercise
Walking, running, and bicycle riding are good exercises for the legs that are highly recommended.
Wear support hose
Support pantyhose will definitely help in controlling the development of varicose veins. This is recommended particularly for people whose jobs require them to stand or sit for long durations, or for people with medical conditions that makes them unable to move their lower limbs. Antiembolic or support stockings work by compressing the legs and keeping the veins from bulging. Through this, blood is easily pushed up to the thigh and back to the heart. However, avoid wearing girdles and tight pantyhose.
Some stockings are available by prescription. Pregnant women may also be advised to wear compression stockings. Talk to your doctor about this.
Reduce weight
If you are overweight, try to reduce weight. Not only does this relieve you from varicose veins, weight reduction offers you a host of health benefits too.
Check with your physician
If the varicose veins bother you that much or cause swelling and tenderness in the leg, see your doctor. There might be already some clot formation in the veins which is potentially dangerous.
Your doctor will also be able to perform procedures such as sclerotherapy to shrink enlarged veins, or do surgery like vein stripping to remove varicose veins.

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