Acne is very common among youngsters. Girls and boys in their teenage face the problem of acne. Acne looks like pimples and is a transient phenomenon. It is so common that it is regarded as part of the process of growing up. Almost every body gets acne in growing years. Despite attempts to prevent acne some get it for few months, others get it for few years.
Acne is caused by hormonal changes that take place in teens. Generally after entering in twenties one doesn’t face this problem any more but in rare cases it can occur in twenties and thirties too. Only about 15 per cent cases of acne are somewhat severe. In such cases consulting a physician may help. If one wants to use some cream or ointment it should be water-based than oil-based.
White-head acne should not be squeezed as it may lead to infection of the skin and in some cases leave a permanent mark on the face. In fact, acne spots have a cycle: they develop, become reddish and vanish. Some of them turn black-head and later few of them develop into a cyst. Left unattended they go away without leaving a trace. Within few months their cycle is over.
As acne is part of a natural process, some precautions can prevent them to flare up violently. For acne prevention follow some dietary restrictions like simple meals without a lot of meat, no ice-creams, no beverages and no fast food. Wash your face many times a day and drink eight glasses of water daily. It will wash away acne, though take some time.
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