The average person usually takes eating habits for granted, without understanding the impact that healthy eating habits can have on one’s overall well-being. The problem with poor eating practices is that they are usually developed over a long course of time, making them hard to change. After all, habits are called habits for a reason: they are something that someone already has gotten used to so much that they almost seem like second nature to the person.
There is such a thing as a good outlook towards eating. Much of the habits that anyone has formed have been a result of whatever perspective that person has towards food. Following is a list of proper outlooks about food to lead one to healthy eating habits:
Eating vegetables can be fun.
The usual mindset towards vegetables for people who do not like to eat them is that they taste yucky. This may have been developed way during childhood when parents used vegetables as a sort of must-eat and then the good stuff, like dessert, was seen as a reward when the kid had finished off the unwanted green mess. The key to breaking this wrong outlook is to be re-acquainted with vegetables. At the start, this may take a visit to a restaurant that is not frequented, but at least has a reputation of making quality food. This way, the individual can order a vegetable-based dish and look forward to experiencing vegetables in a whole different light. Hopefully, the new taste can encourage further experiments with vegetables in one’s own kitchen.
There are ways to feel good during troubling times other than eating.
This is a truth that women need to remind themselves of much more often than men. Females are usually depicted as being mood-eaters, such as downing a whole pint of ice cream or half an entire cake when they get heartbroken, or gabbing the night away while stuffing packs of chips and chocolates with other women friends. This is more than just a spoofing of women’s eating habits; there is a shred of truth to the movie depiction. A lot of the root of this kind of habit may have been developed way back in childhood, when the person ran to food for comfort during times of uncertainty or getting hurt. The only way to combat this is not simply to stop eating during stressful situations, but to find other ways to deal with the stress. Some women find solace in exercise or in talking to a trusted friend, while others find comfort in religious or spiritual activities.
One does not need several servings to feel full.
The usual way that a person eats, usually one who is overweight, is to gobble up food as fast as he can. This translates into several platefuls downed before he declares himself full. However, science proves that it takes the brain twenty minutes to get and translate signals sent from the stomach to realize that the person is full. This means that it was not the loads of food that made the individual feel full; most likely, it took twenty minutes for him to finish up the said heavy meal. This knowledge ties in with the healthy habit of chewing food slowly and savoring every bite. Not only will it result in a meal that was thoroughly enjoyed, it spares the eater the extra pounds that he actually would not have felt necessary once he had felt the “full” signal before then.
A sweet tooth can be circumvented
The usual excuse that people give about eating to many chocolates is that they were born with a sweet tooth. However, studies indicate that although there are people who like sweets more than the average, and that there are those who dislike them altogether, the fact remains that eating habits regarding sweets can still be tweaked towards one’s own preference. For example, a person who believes he is doomed to crave for sweets every single day of his life will tend to eat them every chance he gets. On the other hand, someone who knows he still has control over what he eats will only eat them when he really wants to. Even if the desire of sweet food items is there, he can still limit his intake of them to one, or at most, two servings instead of the usual six.
These proper outlooks are necessary for changing any eating habit that anyone wants to change, for, as the saying goes, as one believes, so he is.
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