Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Controlling Panic Attacks Without Using Medication

There’s a reason you have come to read this article. It’s because you know first-hand what panic attacks can be like. It’s a bad uneasiness that comes over you, and spread to all the parts of your body, and it feels like it’s taking you over. Sweatiness, dizziness, and hyperventilation – all of these are things you have to deal with. Sometimes you might even feel numb, and unable to move. Of course, you want it to get over as soon as possible, and you just want to get out of that place.

It is quite common for many people to resort to medication, with the aim of dealing effectively with such panic attacks. But you should know that panic attacks can be controlled without having to depend upon such medicine. That’s good news, right?

You create your own panic attacks!

You would be surprised to know that both mental and physical factors play a major role in a panic disorder. These can be of various types – whether it is a chemical imbalance in the body, drug addiction, obesity, poor diet, or even alcoholism – all of these affect your mind negatively.

So you may be wondering how it happens. Well, your first attacks probably happened when you were young, maybe there was some mild trauma, maybe some unpleasant memory. Whatever it was, it left behind a mark which comes up to affect you again and again, even now. Now, you can have a panic attack even without an external factor triggering it.

So what happens? Well, you eventually end up preparing for the panic attack. Supposing you’re scared of flying in planes, so when there is a flight due, you have a panic attack that morning. So when it’s finally time for the flight, you’re feeling so lousy that there’s nothing you can do to make it better.

Use your mind to control the panic attacks

Remember, it really is in the mind – even though it sounds overtly simple and perhaps even condescending. It’s easy – just don’t put yourself in such a situation where you might possibly have a panic attack.

So here’s what you do – find simple and small ways to distract yourself, or to take your attention away from whatever triggers the panic attack. If you feel yourself starting to think about, send your mind away. Listen to music, or read a book. Or even recite a prayer to yourself. Whatever works for you! Take deep breaths, and the panic will go away on its own – you just have to will it to. It really works.

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