a) Avoidance of Jarring to cause injury as a repeated mild trauma to the head/brain :
Delaying onset of trauma: Brilliant ideas of Brain Exercising
• Take a precautionary measure to wear protective gear such as: Helmet for (bicycle/ski): Head concussion circumstance with internal bleeding may occur
• Do not forget to wear seat belts of the car as soon as alighted into it
• Remove Home Obstructions: Slippery places for hitting or falling to suffer
b) Socializing with family, friends and strangers : Active involvement with family and a wide network of friends lowers the risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s symptoms from a patient. Smiling and getting yourself engaged with the working procedures of the family members lowers the unnecessary formation of tumors inside one’s brain. Avoid Isolation at any cost. Join any club or civic group, attend classes regularly with active participation, or do volunteer work.
c) Mental Toning of the Brain through Exercise and Diet : Stimulating the senses of the brain and other body parts through appropriate diet chart plan and regular mandatory exercising in the morning and of the evening keeps brain healthy till the person’s life span. It increases the number of brain cells and make strong connections to the neuro- transmitters of the electric brain signal cells and help increase the flow of current inside the brain complexities.
d) Learning Processes of the Brain : Learn to play a new musical instrument & its notes; develop a strange hobby to do something strange or different from others in the society; Learn a magnificent Foreign Language (Jigsaw Puzzles) etc.
e) Memory Games (General and Arcade) : Play 3d games on computers; visit The Galleria (Arcade game zone) frequently; Try to play the Game that consists of improvement in fighting skills to train your brain for ex: War Games; Mission Games; Thinking (strategy) Games, etc.
f) Attending Institutes & visiting famous places : Visit various modern and archaic museums; re-known institutes; stage shows in order to experience show performers or simply take a class of a particular subject to avoid the cancer/Tumor formation. Especially, read the challenging material if comes in contact with the theoretical aspects of life with various learning mediums available.
g) Writing Memoirs or Autobiographies : Try to write articles; books; blogs on the internet; suggestions or complaints; Write a personal Diary; Letters; etc.
h) Dancing : Dance as much as possible to various hip-hop and soft tunes related to different music albums and singers and sing with them as per convenience. Debate with the strangers and maintain extreme expertise while having a discussion with them. Use opposite hand work then engaging dominant right-hand for completing activities.
• Controlled Scientific Amino–Acid Therapy (CAAT) : It is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. In such brain cancer therapy the regular food diet of an individual is been discarded for certain period of time or replaced in first context and the person is provided by a supported formula of Amino-acid diet intake. The emphasize of food diet chart/plan accompanying with amino acid should therefore benefit the following up of proper nutrients and other protein cells to grow efficiently as they mustn’t be affected and it’s kept in mind that while following up the nutrient rich plan for the cells the patient needn’t abandon other conventional brain cancer treatments for ex: Radiation; Chemotherapy; Surgery; Hormonal balancing treatments, etc. The inappropriate process may sometimes shuts down the energy supply cells to cancer cells of the brain which are called as Phospho-fruc-to-kinase (energy building cells of the body). If energy is reduced to minimum into the blood stream there might be toxic side effects of it in a long run that sometimes even proven to be untraceable causes of predicting a brain cancer/Tumor inside a human’s brain. CAAT for brain cancer/tumors works absolutely alone rather than any other therapies to cure the cause therein.
The components of CAAT include amino acids; citric acids and tiny part of sodium benzoate. These acids regularly replaces the daily proteins and vitamins found in dairy products; vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets for ex: Dairy; meats; Fish; beans and nuts, etc. CAAT do wonders being an acid, carbohydrate & Glucose reduction protocol, which strategically uses a chemical reaction of nutritional supplements, to impair the development of brain cancerous cell formation into the brain. The formula is taken two times a day for that extra protection and nourishment of healthy cells to fight cancerous cells of the brain. Phosphorous is that natural element found inside the body that cancerous cells take undue advantage of and then reproduces making a colony of cells inside the brains delicate tissues. When CAAT amino-acids enter the bloodstream it synthesizes with DNA and build new blood vessels or duplicate its entire contents of proteins.
• Vitamin D : Is that protein of the human cell that helps activate Phosphates which shuts the activities of the enzyme cells called Kinesis which are responsible for triggering up the subtle growth and reproduction of cancerous cells of the body hence, for fighting cancerous cells of the brain the consumption must be increased.
• Extracts from Green Tea : Photochemical in tea help shut down glycol sis (energy supplier cells) and these cells starves cancerous cells in abundance inside the bloodstream hence; there’s a reduction in carbohydrates of the brain cells.
• Anti-oxidants : Lemon has anti-oxidant element to supply sufficient oxygen to the healthy cells and the appropriate flow of blood into the streams. It creates a tendency of Apoptosis (The suicidal stage for a cancerous cell) of the blood and doesn’t permit the same or even other forms of cancer/Tumor formation inside the body to reach to the brain areas. The anti-oxidants stop the growth and reproduction of the cells therein.
• Chemistry of the blood in a form of sample test : The chemistry of blood and the conditions related to understand the red as well as white blood corpuscles are enormously complex by nature. Low albumin levels most often indicate insufficient intake of proteins in the diet and this problem should have to be addressed later in life therefore, ensure your healthy living with no presence of cancerous cells inside the blood at the time of testing.
• Craniotomy of the Brain Tumor : It is the expert neurosurgical therapy or technique used to remove the visible tumor of the brain under general anesthesia and involves the opening up of skull (cranium). The neurosurgeon makes an incision into the scalp (part of the brain) and riddles the brain with holes called as burr holes of the skull. In order to make a flap of the bone a saw is used to join the two incision parts of the skin. The flap was only used to expose as much brain as possible to extract the tumor proficiently after the tumor is partially or completely opened the cut flap is replaced and secured by a very fine wire not visible immediately but the recovery from Craniotomy takes a longer span which could be as long as 8 weeks long. Complications of Craniotomy refer to the side effects such as: bleeding (hemorrhage), swelling (edema), increased intracranial pressure (IICP), infection, and brain tissue damage.
• Brain mapping : There are certain electrodes that stimulate nerves in the brain; they measure the responses giving up by the brain through individual’s intelligence and introduce communication to the patient directly. The neurosurgeon removes a big chunk of tumor from inside the brain without even damaging the complex vital areas of the brain. The vital areas are the motoring function of the body parts and speech intonation. A chemotherapeutic agent called BCNU is applied following the surgery. In such treatment, the neurosurgeon places a wafer like substance soaked into the surgical cavity after the tumor is removed successfully.
• Brach therapy : The therapy implants the nutritional capsules containing radioactive substances directly near the tumor or into it and treats a recurrent tumor formation that might previously be treated by external-beam radiation applied to the tumor. The implantation of the capsule is recommended under superb supervision of only re-known neurosurgeon and not by any pathologist.
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