Information on pancreas - What is Pancreas ?
The pancreas is a soft and sponge like body organ material that lies in the section of a stomach called `Curvature` and is situated in deep corner inside the abdomen at the right side. There are two major functions of pancreas inside the abdomen and both are uniquely complicated or complex as one part produces `Enzymes` to digest complete food under the small and large intestines whereas another secretes sufficient hormones which help regulate the proper maintenance of ‘Sugar’ inside the bloodstream which is also a major cause of `Diabetes` of the human body.
The `Exocrine` portion of pancreas is that section of multiplication of enzyme cells that are formed or produced in a bunch of other cells called ‘Acinar cells’. The acinar cells help surround the pancreas completely and start releasing salts and enzymes into the body in a form of tiny tributaries to collect and to transport enzymes in a form of fluid.
The fluid of the pancreas is rich in extreme proteins and vitamins that are consumed in various ways such as: vegetables and fruits and when the enzymes are extracted they are sent through a duct by tiny rivulets. According to the inch length of the pancreas duct the fluid firstly, runs from left and then to right and connects or joins with another duct called `Bile duct`.
This is the largest duct of food inside an abdomen where digestive contents are emptied upon and again being send to the small duct called human `Bowel digestive system` (duodenum). The hormonal function of pancreatic section is the specialization of group of cells secreted into the blood directly and produces `Insulin` also called as `Body building fluid` by the help of ‘Beta’ cells which are responsible for lowering up the level of glucose into the body in return the alpha cells tends to increase it as a reciprocating process by pancreas of the abdomen.
Peptides are produced by pancreatic endocrine called as `Somatostatin` which inhibits the quality of secreting the process of `Insulin` supply to all parts of the body where `Brain` is the most powerful tool of insulin secretion for quick thinking and decision making. The more the insulin fluid is secreted the better the intelligence be.
Cancer cells of `Pancreas` are called as `malignant cancer cells` which are transformed in a form of Tumors (carcinoma) of the body cells, they indeed Multiply and grow so rapidly that there’s a bunch of uncontrolled and abnormal cells formation inside the body structure that aggressively seeds into organs through a channel of blood vessels or through the `Lymphatic system`.
Benign tumors are less harmful to body that grows slowly in orderly fashion like any other harmful cells of the body and do not even colonize into the body parts. This process of cell division of the cancer cells is called as `Metastasis` process. Usually, any cancer cell can formed virtually out of any cell of a sort in its class. The tumors or cancers of the pancreatic duct is formed always by a lining of the cells and there divisions. The cancer cells are formed at the two major opening sections of the pancreas: The neck and the head; about 2/3 is for the head portion whereas only 10% is for the tail part which is the tiniest tapering closet near the spleen: Bladder like section of the abdomen.
(Note: More than one mutation, modifying more than one pathway of food supply of the body is the cause of necessary pancreatic `Cancer` formation).
Pancreatic cancer stages in a patient are diagnosed to all those 30% of lifestyle stages where people were found `Smoking` becoming chain smokers and rest remaining majority is towards the people with hereditary genetic predisposition. There may be a strong controversy for determining such causes for pancreatic cancers. The median survival rate for untreated advanced level cancer cells of the pancreas is up to three and a half months but with excellent treatment or diagnosis by a `Physician` increases to at least six months or so.
Causes and Risk factors for Pancreatic cancer
a) Old Age;
b) Chain Smoking;
c) Unhealthy Diet intake;
d) Medical Risks;
e) Unhygienic environmental factors;
f) Congenital Genetic mutation pre-disposition complexities;
g) Pancreatic cysts; and
h) Excessive alcohol (Liquor) consumption.
a) Old Age - The risk of developing pancreatic cancer at a specific age limit of a human body starts occurring from 50 years and above (counting). Men are likely to contract such disease of cancer in the early old age than there opposite sex.
b) Chain Smoking: cigarette consumption in the form of heavy chain smoking vulgar habit produces pancreatic cancer where the ratio of cancer cell development is 2 to 3 times in comparison to non-smokers. The carcinogenic chemicals of cigarette terminates the soft and thin lining of spongy cells of pancreas as soon as tobacco enters the bladder and the duct section either in a form of direct heavy smoke intake or chewing up of tobacco in excess amount. 30% of cancerous cells enter at a time due to tobacco.
c) Unhealthy Diet intake: Unhygienic and unhealthy diet consumption of various fibers and junk foods with increased `Obesity` is the cause of pancreatic cancer where a rough and dry food takes ample amount of time to be digested carefully inside the abdomen and is unable to move through the duct with necessary protein and vitamin contents. Hence, the diet rich in ‘Animal fat’ is the cause of cancerous formation of the abdomen.
d) Medical Risks: these forms of cancerous cell formation includes to important medical criteria’s:
1. Diabetes Mellitus;
2. Chronic Hereditary Pancreatitis.
"Diabetes Mellitus" is a complex disorder of the abdominal metabolism system that lacks the secretion of `Insulin fluid` for total body functioning. The first five-years are acute diabetic risk factors produced due to excess availability of sugary substances consumed over the years. The type II diabetic patients are at increased risk of such sort of diabetes symptoms and not so much to type I diabetic patients.
"Chronic Hereditary Pancreatitis" is a genetic malfunctioning characterized by long-term `Inflammation` (burning up of) pancreatic area at the abdomen. This medical factor is associated with the cancerous output of the pancreas cells. There’s a strong relation between the two kinds of `Pancreas cancer` cells as both are defined by there natural variants of by-birth (inherited gene cells) or inherited in a form of diet intake process.
e) Unhygienic Environmental cancer factors: The Environmental factors responsible for producing pancreatic cancer cells inside a human abdominal or nasal area are defined in various sections such as asbestos dry foods (Fibers); Pesticides (chemical intake); environmental Dyes; Petroleum products, etc. People or Laborers who are directly exposed to such environments are at increased risk to produce the cancer cells at the abdominal area Ex: Dye painters, Mine workers; Oil rig labors, Blasting site technicians and experts, etc.
f) Congenital Genetic mutation pre-disposition complexities - Such Pancreatic cancerous cell syndrome develops or occurs into the human body when the cancerous cells have relation with other forms of cells of body as well. For ex: patient with a `Skin cancer` has a slight or total relation with pancreatic cancer too.
A co-relation between the cell mutations in a nutshell is the core area of Congenital Genetic Mutation Pre-Disposition Complexities. The inherited colorectal cancer is caused due to inherited mutation of the gene called upon as BRCA2 gene, which is a gene responsible for forming breast cancer but is at higher risk rate to produce pancreatic cancer cells too. The genetic alteration of the cells involves an activation of K-Ra’s on co-gene and an activation of tumor-suppressing gene called as p16 and p53. Problematic K-Ra’s are only formed due to excessive (cigarette) smoking.
g) Pancreatic cysts: Cysts of pancreas are the gaseous, liquid, solid or semi-solid substances found in the abdominal areas that affect the pancreas with many contingencies. They vary in size and shape but they can only be detected under a microscopically refined manner or sometimes, they can so be detected so large as displaced normal organs or tissues of the abdomen. The outermost wall of the abdomen cyst is known to doctors as `Capsules`. Simple “Wear and Tear” or obstructions to the flow of the insulin fluid; infections; Tumors; Chronic inflammatory conditions; Genetic body conditions or Defects in development of organ in the mother’s embryo are the number of causes for `Pancreatic Cyst`.
h) Excessive alcohol (Liquor) consumption: Liquor deposited in a liquid form in the abdomen when absorbed in excess by internal organs releases chemicals found at the time of producing alcohol in a grape field consists of the bacteria’s and viruses that forms a fluid and in turn becomes the cause of cancerous cells of the pancreas. In India, inferior liquor is marketed in domestic market hence, the quality remains spurious and alcohol starts burning the lower bowel intestinal system seeping through the pores and rotten the thick complex structure of the spongy pancreatic duct like an `Acid`.
Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
* Significant weight loss accompanied by abdominal pain -- `Warning signs`.
* Gradual worsening intermittent abdominal pain that may decrease when leaned forward and may increase when lying down immediately. Pain is often caused severe at night and may radiate to the lower back slowly and gradually.
* Digestive or bowel intestinal complaints of abdomen such as diarrhea, constipation, gas pains, bloating, or belching, etc.
* Frequent nausea, excessive vomiting, loss of dieting appetite and sudden weight loss.
* Symptoms of Jaundice, indicated by yellowish discoloration of the skin or eye whites and very dark urine (Red or brown) in nature.
* Sudden onset of diabetic symptoms.
* Black or bloody stool (excreta), indicating bleeding from the digestive tract system.
* Drowsiness and excessive weakness.
* Enlarged liver and gallbladder (in size or shape).
* Frustrating Itchiness all over the body parts especially at the lower bowel system.
* Blood clots in the legs and various other sections of the body.
Rare kinds of pancreatic cancer cause a hormonal imbalance that produce their own symptoms, includes:
* Sweating, rapid heart throbbing, irritability or skin flushing (oozing/secreting) chemical related to low blood sugar; Skin rashes and anemia
* Severe ulcer symptoms are seen: such as stomach pain and watery diarrhea, which do not respond to antacids or ulcer medication product procedures through over the counter drug medicines.
* Fever and shivering is also seen upon as a symptom caused due to pancreatic cancer. Entire body starts to shiver as if excessive coldness has seeped into the body without prior notification to be ready in advance in order to fight for it I the first stand.
* One demands to quench excessive thirst every now and then as the body isn’t asking for liquid diet but the feeling is intense to drink as much liquid as possible at a time.
* In certain cases too much of insulin released at a time makes the entire body feel vulnerable to stand or even to walk proficiently because it helps makes body unable to calculate the amount of factors responsible for decision making by the brain and brain doesn’t provide access to do something as is the hour of a need.
* There is a substantial increase in the blood level pressure too as there’s a feeling that much calories has been burnt rather than doing any excessive physical work by the body concerned therein.
* Swelling up of the Lever and gall bladder.
* Tumors of the intestine blocks the thin veins that drains the spleen and cause the enlargement of the spleen from its specific size and affects other varicose veins that are found near the abdomen and esophagus in large colonies.
* Hyper tension and High Cholesterol.
* Cystic Fibrosis is the fatal genetic disease that produces a thick, sticky mucus to clog the lungs and when the functioning up of the lungs are affected by the external forces which has a direct link with the pancreas in the digestion process, it starts reciprocating the process of fluid transfer to various part of the body and in turn starts giving the unhealthy transfer of enzymes which in turn becomes cancerous cells and slowly and gradually if not being cleared away to cut the extra layer from the lungs in the early stage of diagnosis. Cystic fibrosis occurs due to thick secretion of the lungs that happens due to damaged respiratory system such as: Choked respiratory canal of the mouth due to spatula (saliva) damaged inhaling tube, gland secretions and glandular ducts, etc.
Treatments and Preventions of Pancreatic cancer
* Standard Treatment
* Clinical Trial Treatment
Further more, there are three important treatments for pancreatic cancer of Standard Treatment:
1. Surgery
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Chemotherapy
1. `Surgery`: A medical Whipple Surgical Therapy: is used over the patient in which the head of the pancreas, the gallbladder, part of the stomach, part of the small intestine, spleen, near-by lymph nodes and the bile duct are removed one-by-one systematically and efficiently by a surgeon. Pancreas is able to produce digestive fruit juices, liquids and Insulin fluids.
Palliative surgery includes ‘biliary bypass’ Surgical surgery where if any cancerous cell is blocking the bowel duct or intestinal sections of the abdomen and gallbladder is affected strictly then during the operation, the doctor creates a new pathway into the gallbladder by making an incision into it and making an additional bile duct and then it is sewed carefully to block the area so that internal bleeding circumstance may be stop thereupon. It’s a flow of new bodily fluids from pancreas through a new pathway or sectioned pathway.
Endoscope stent placement Surgery: This complex surgery implies the draining up of extra bile from the intestine. When a specific tumor blocks the bile duct (Fluid tube), surgery is commenced upon to put stent (Thin tube) which is used to let fluid travel through it easily. That tube helps in washing up the bile deposited on the intestinal section of the bowel. Stent is placed through a surgical instrument called a `Catheter` (Flexible tube used to deliver fluids or to withdraw fluids) from the body/outside from the body.
In Gastric Bypass surgery: If a patient has trouble eating in normal day-to-day conditions and a surgeon has predicted the early signs of tumor formation that might block the continuous flow of food or diet inside a stomach then a surgeon could starts sewing the small intestine section of the abdomen as soon as he sees the blockage and with such less time consuming operational procedure the patient can re-gain his eating habits.
2. Radiation Therapy of Pancreatic cancer: High-powered radiation rays or beams are concentrated upon a specific area which is contracted with acute tumor or cancer deposit cells and are burnt through radiation therapy immediately. These high energy x-rays are used when there emerge certain complications in surgical operations to the affected spot. There are mainly two kinds of radiation therapies:
* External Radiation Therapy
* Internal Radiation Therapy.
External radiation implies of the radiation machine implanted outside the body part and concentrated upon the target area till the x-rays reaches the desired spot by the surgeon whereas internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive material sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer spot. Unless, the type and stage of cancer is decided upon by a re-known cancer surgeon it isn’t being provided to the patient at the first-hand or the patient being treated.
3. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the medical procedure of the cancerous pancreatic disease where a patient is given some medicines to eliminate the disease from the root or medicine provided to stop the division of the cancerous cells. As cancer civilized in abnormal way their colonies multiply in seconds therefore certain strong doses are also given knowing the acuteness of the cancer cell division. It’s taken orally either by mouth or when injected the medicine reach all the parts of the body and the fighting cells starts showing their work inside this sort of chemotherapy is called as `Systemic chemotherapy` whereas chemotherapy placed directly near the spinal column, organ or abdomen region then this kind is called upon as `Regional Chemotherapy.
Clinical Trials:
Biologic Therapy -
`Biological Therapy` induces human’s immune system to fight the cancerous cells of Pancreas. The laboratorial boosting of immune substances constructed over time by the body itself is the natural defense to the cells that fight with the cancerous cells formation at the particular spot. This nature of terminology used for the cancer is called as ‘Biotherapy or immunotherapy’ by surgeons.
In this day and age scientists and researchers all around the globe are searching certain other reasons to protect the patient from unnecessary cancers of the body, the technology used is to extract the extreme important protein cells from the humans in-built `Stem cells` and then with some scientific clinical trials the cause of the cell defect for forming the tumor or cancerous cells can be known where scientists today have already found the solutions to cure an infant inside a mother’s womb where the stem cord is connected to the baby and at the time of delivery the cord can be cut and be preserved to eliminate diseases like: Fever, normal cold, high blood pressure, diabetes; headache, etc. Te baby will never have to suffer from such normal diseases of the body for life span. It’s a great breakthrough in science world.
In order to shrink the unnecessary tumors near the pancreatic cancer area the treatments provided in a form of medicines are able to relief the pain caused due to certain pressure mounted by the tumor to the thin veins of the body and this medicine help soothe the delicate veins over time. The pressure on the nerves is a major cause of worry for treating a patient. These painkillers are the ultimate medicines to give a sigh of relief to the patients for some time for ex: Hours, but they the treatment cannot last for future course of cancerous treatment efficiently. In order to prevent patients from malnutrition disaster after such treatments in-hand, surgeons recommend certain more specific medicines for body intake so that the patient’s disease could be overcome. The medicines prescribed for malnutrition can be replaced by bodily enzymes.
Micro metastases:
They are the minutest of all tumor cells inside the blood steam and therefore they cannot be seen by a naked eye. If individual cells are detected in some other small corners of the body they cannot be detected even by a detailed scanning. For few tumors there are simultaneous blood testing machines to detect the proteins released by cancer cells. The detection for metastases is too small to be detected by scan but is rather detected thereupon whereas for cancers there is no blood testing machines to detect cancers. The process of increasing up the treatment through the therapies available currently and applying more expertise to control the flooding up of the cancerous cells into the blood stream not to allow them to be moving freely into the blood is called as adjuvant treatment. When a doctor or a surgeon says `Metastases`, then the problem is more acute then predicted in the early stages of cancerous cells detection.
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